
Here are some of the camos the Government is looking at

Kryptek Highlander

Author Topic: What do you think the US army should wear to war?  (Read 11394 times)

When i play airsoft i find that wearing a vest made of dry leaves and mud works best in terms of camouflage.
The terrain itself is best camo
yes :3

The terrain itself is best camo
yes :3
dig a trench
pick up the trench and carry it elsewhere

you realize that camo has very little to do with color as opposed to the general breakup of the outline of the individual, no?

Perhaps normal clothing to blend in ANYWHERE?

you realize that camo has very little to do with color as opposed to the general breakup of the outline of the individual, no?
Yea, But this can only get you so far
Like pink,black,and Blue colored camo would be stuff no matter the outline

I agree
But if Obama wins they will prob go with Multicam
Cuts with military and all
Each branch has their own budget, Marines have the lowest budget of the major four branches. Congress and the Army already forgeted the army over by denying them the EFV. Antiship missiles have been getting longer and longer ranges and soon getting a ship in close to enough to deploy marines will be impossible. With the EFV they could have had a transport to take quickly over the water an onto the beach. Their AAVs are already 20 years old and aging fast. I'm sure there are some top army brass pulling strings to get rid of the marine corp all together. They tried to do it after World War 2, I'm sure they will do it again.
« Last Edit: October 02, 2012, 09:04:35 PM by Harm94 »

you realize that camo has very little to do with color as opposed to the general breakup of the outline of the individual, no?
If you go in a black room and wear white, you will be very visible. if you go into a black room and wear black, your outline is broken and it is difficult to distinguish you from the rest of the room. Camouflage has a lot to do with color, you can't break up an outline if you're contrasting with the background.

my suggestion was the best one >:C

my suggestion was the best one >:C

shazoo made the best one

If you go in a black room and wear white, you will be very visible. if you go into a black room and wear black, your outline is broken and it is difficult to distinguish you from the rest of the room. Camouflage has a lot to do with color, you can't break up an outline if you're contrasting with the background.
So much this

Each branch has their own budget, Marines have the lowest budget of the major four branches. Congress and the Army already forgeted the army over by denying them the EFV. Antiship missiles have been getting longer and longer ranges and soon getting a ship in close to enough to deploy marines will be impossible. With the EFV they could have had a transport to take quickly over the water an onto the beach. Their AAVs are already 20 years old and aging fast. I'm sure there are some top army brass pulling strings to get rid of the marine corp all together. They tried to do it after World War 2, I'm sure they will do it again.
In this current era the US doesn't really fight a force that can afford a tank let alone antiship missiles.
Plus, aircraft carriers have Phalanx and missiles for those.

New camo!
Here are some pics of BrookWood
<-- The one they might use


I hope they dont choose this...

Why? Because you don't like the look of it?
If they're looking into it then they have a reason to, a kid's opinion on how it looks doesn't matter.

giant ninja turtle costumes of course. what else?