Author Topic: 2012/10/04 - Blockland r1741  (Read 40582 times)


  • Administrator

  • Door bricks
  • Fixed freezing on loading certian types of corrupted ogg files
  • You can now build on top of print plates and roads
  • "Supershift" hud icon is now hidden if building is disabled
  • Fixed crash from invalid file request to server
  • Added steam greenlight dialog to main menu.  Once you click through the gui, you can then use /greenlight in-game.
  • Fixed collision issue while standing on a brick as it changes datablock (notable when standing doors or treasure chest)
  • Fixed game mode change message displaying as " changed the game mode to "
  • Fixed Script_TerrainBuildRules - Download

Every time I try downloading I get the following error:


  • You can now build on top of print plates and roads
oh my god oh my god


howe doese greenlighte worke