Author Topic: Things that feel bad  (Read 11430 times)

The fact that some people want an unlubricated robot snake up their butt

Threads about things that feel bad

stubbing your toe on anything
- caught fapping
- suspense for halo 4
- when something hurts but tickles at the same time
- lack of money

The fact that some people want an unlubricated robot snake up their butt
well forget u

well forget u
I would rather fantasize about being forgeted hard by a dragon than being forgeted by a robot and then getting a perforated star fish from the metal's friction.

do you have robot aids?
he only has the AIDS virus on his robotic snake

I would rather fantasize about being forgeted hard by a dragon than being forgeted by a robot and then getting a perforated star fish from the metal's friction.
except that i am a robot and thus im actually built for it

on the other hand you are a human that wants to be a sea creature who also wants to get forgeted by an animal that is 100x your size and snake is the size of your entire body and is covered in hard pointy scales

I think this current conversation belongs in the special interest topic.