Author Topic: [∞x∞] Badspot's Mind - Generic Announcement! Yay!  (Read 7500 times)

Go talk to Gabe Newel after getting your legs fixed.

Call ambulance to fix your broken legs.
 dot  dot  dot<

> kompressor asks to marry you
> accept
Kompressor is now not involved in development. You made him... go away.

Go talk to Gabe Newel after getting your legs fixed.
>fix legs pls

Your legs suddenly repair their selves.

Make a new vehicle, a little black submarine.

Head to the BK lounge to see your good friend the bouncer, Dane Cook.

Finish developing the game Perrenial.

Go bump the Badspot's Mind topic.

Go bump the Badspot's Mind topic.
What if like

Badspot actually bumped the topic.

After banning Christopher P. for a week you decided to up the guns and also ban Setro2. This as well makes you happy because he will likely turn into Glass where he buys many keys to continue to use the forums.

Make a new vehicle, a little black submarine.

Head to the BK lounge to see your good friend the bouncer, Dane Cook.
You do not want to repeat that experience.
~ 0:40

Finish developing the game Perrenial.
Done. You don't know what you did but it's done...

make more default bricks
Done. These bricks with 'dem polygons.

What if like

Badspot actually bumped the topic.
What are you talking about? You did.
Go bump the Badspot's Mind topic.

post on drama threads with messages that will never be forgotten

Make a toilet prop since people cant make a good one out of bricks

Make a toilet prop since people cant make a good one out of bricks

and a sink prop