Author Topic: Hitchhikers' Guide To The Galaxy - "Ford, what about my home?"  (Read 2426 times)

Edition One (gfx by Nolan Worthington)
Edition Two (gfx by Andrew Wyld and others)

Basically a lost-forever text game, except actually playable and with graphics, which was unthinkable of when that game was made. Or so I assume.

Also progress saving.
Pitch black at start of game? Turn lights on.
« Last Edit: October 10, 2012, 08:01:08 AM by Cybertails1998 »

seem's like an interesting game. play this guys

holy stuff try and control+c something out of it and you get a truckload of trig instead of the text you highlighted

It is pitch black.
> eat a hot dog
It's too dark to see!
> burn stuff
I don't know the word "burn".
> scream
You begin to get a sore throat.
> pee
I don't know the word "pee".
> deficate
I don't know the word "deficate".
> learn the word "deficate"
I don't know the word "learn".

what do I do

holy stuff try and control+c something out of it and you get a truckload of trig instead of the text you highlighted

what do I do
Pitch black at start of game? Turn lights on.

Astoundingly, a bulldozer pokes through your wall. However, you have no time for surprise because the ceiling is collapsing on you as your home is unexpectedly demolished to make way for a new bypass. You are seriously injured in the process, but on your way to the hospital a fleet of Vogon Constructor ships unexpectedly arrives and demolishes the Earth to make way for a new hyperspace bypass.

Too bad you never found an aspirin for your hangover.


Your home collapses in a cloud of dust, and a stray flying brick hits you squarely on the back of the head. You try to think of some suitable last words, but what with the confusion of the moment and the spinning of your head, you are unable to compose anything pithy and expire in silence.
> look
You keep out of this, you're dead. An ambulance arrives.
You keep out of this, you're dead and should be concentrating on developing a good firm rigor mortis. You are put in the ambulance, which drives away.
> look
For a dead person you are talking too much. As the ambulance reaches the mortuary a fleet of Vogon Constructor ships unexpectedly arrives and demolishes the Earth to make way for a new hyperspace bypass.

forget this im bad at this
« Last Edit: October 08, 2012, 12:10:41 PM by Moriarty »

the game's nintendo hard, should've ran like hell

> rape
What do you want to rape?
> rape bed
This is family entertainment, not a video nasty.

Edit : > me hi
"Hello to you too."
> me help
Sorry, but yourself is beyond help.

> kill self

    ****  You have died  ****

We are about to give you your score. Put on your peril-sensitive sunglasses now. (Hit RETURN or ENTER when ready.)
« Last Edit: October 08, 2012, 12:57:10 PM by The Big Bad Jellyfish »

I can't manage to get anywhere after I get out of the house without being brutally murdered by a brick :c

Hint: hammer the SOUTH button like it's the end of the world

Already read the books

Oh my god
Cnai b idiot?
« Last Edit: October 08, 2012, 10:37:59 PM by Cargøn »

Code: [Select]
>slap self in face

    **** You have died. ****

Do i win?

help the bulldozer is coming
What do

« Last Edit: October 08, 2012, 11:33:41 PM by Cargøn »

Code: [Select]
> escape
You are so keen on escape that you literally leap through the fabric of the space-time continuum. You wake up in a shack on tenth-century Earth. A dressing gown, a toothbrush, and a flathead axe lie by your bed. Before you have a chance to move, Mongol hordes sweep magnificently across the plains of central Asia. They knock down your shack and burn the remains with you inside. You lose interest in the rest of the game.

    ****  You have died  ****

So it's too dark to do anything, yet "Turn on light" works.
The toothbrush is also possessed.