Author Topic: Paranatural (Web Comic) - HOLY JESUS READ THIS NOW  (Read 5194 times)

I like suzy
She's my second favorite character. First being Johnny.

Gotta love nutjob characters. They should hook up.

They should hook up.
i am now on the look out for every minuscule foreshadowing hint because this could totally be a possibility

This is glorious. I'm all caught up now. :D

I think OP really overstated these comics ._.

I think OP really overstated these comics ._.
i think you're hellspawn

list of all comic images, skip the rest of the page loading crap
plus if you're pr0 you can download them all from here

Bump because these are hot

Eh, it's grown on me.

Oh lord Suzy's face in panel 6.

new post:

cba to link to the real blog page, have an image instead

i hope it isn't too traumatic

i just made a thing that lists every comic and puts links to them and stuff you have to see it to understand it

« Last Edit: November 26, 2012, 01:05:11 AM by Lugnut »