Author Topic: Post your best screenshots  (Read 11519 times)

Title says it all. Please attach the photos using this forums' attachment system. Please do not pagestretch. If you really want to use tinypic, etc, please use this img code (Without the -s): [im-g width=whatever height=whatever][/i-mg]

Here are some.


Click for full loveiness

Now THIS is what I'd call a lovey picture. It was obviously taken before v21.


Click for full loveiness
Did you read the OP? He said no page stretch.  :panda:

Did you read the OP? He said no page stretch.  :panda:
There was no pagestretch.. :/

Did you read the OP? He said no page stretch.  :panda:

Wow, that is one SMALL ass monitor display then.  It's width is set to 1024.  That is most certainly not a page stretch to today's standards.

Wow nob he said attach the image. siiiigh

Those are my favorites so far

These are just of my own builds.

This one is still my favorite

Megashots are always awesome.

This is all I've got.