Working Doors!

Author Topic: Working Doors!  (Read 38496 times)


I liked the old glass door, the one before the was a fridge door and stuff.

i still think a disguised door would be cool =/

We are working on the Door disguised as a brick now.

Hmm, I don't think the disguised brick thing is going to work.  DTS objects seem to be rendered differently when it comes to lighting.  Say you have a 1x4x5 brick.  Using the 2 largest faces of the brick, say you have one that's well-lit, and one that's slightly shadowed.  Then you put one of the false brick Doors right next to it.  Compared to the well-lit side, it looks the same.  If you look at the shadowed side, however, the Door is darker than the brick.  So as it looks now, there would not be much point in making that Door if you can easily tell that it's the Door from a line of bricks.  We tried, and it just didn't fit in.

I just tossed in a relatively simple feature, but cool nonetheless.  A Door will now emit a doorbell sound if you are not permitted to pass through it.  Woot.

Epic! I really COULD use that doorbell :D

I can see it now...

*Within a crappy RPG that is just a cloak for a DM:

*Blockhead rings doorbell
Blockhead: Hello? Anyone home?
Pwnzer: Yes...
Blockhead: May I come in?
Pwnzer: Um... no...
*Blockhead really wants in, so he continues to ring the doorbell.
Pwnzer: GAH!
*Pwnzer opens the door, armed with a sniper rifle.
Pwnzer killed Blockhead.

Yeah, I'll probably take measures to prevent that type of situation, like giving admins the ability to toggle whether that sound plays.

Have you managed to get the clickable door to work yet?

Every time I look in this thread I end up yelling "Oh, cool!"

Then I get punched in the face and told to shut up (by my little brother by the way, he's a little tank :panda: )

make a door where you can put a custom print on it :D

Hmm, I don't think the disguised brick thing is going to work.  DTS objects seem to be rendered differently when it comes to lighting.  Say you have a 1x4x5 brick.  Using the 2 largest faces of the brick, say you have one that's well-lit, and one that's slightly shadowed.  Then you put one of the false brick Doors right next to it.  Compared to the well-lit side, it looks the same.  If you look at the shadowed side, however, the Door is darker than the brick.  So as it looks now, there would not be much point in making that Door if you can easily tell that it's the Door from a line of bricks.  We tried, and it just didn't fit in.
I see, but... how about a brick that hides a door that looks like a brick (a nano less in size) and make the brick disappear and the door brick move?