Author Topic: I almost died this morning/last night  (Read 3478 times)

Uh you might want to see a doctor because you can't stop breathing when sleeping. It's automatic...
Ondines syndrome

Actually, You're body can move itself however, You can't completely control yourself during REM sleep, You gain more control the more awake you are.

What are you even talking about.
I'm not talking about sleep paralysis or controlling your body. Your body is designed to react to stuff regardless of if you're asleep, such as if it's suffocating itself. It will roll over instinctively. Humans are evolutionarily idiot-proofed against themselves.

here u go

Is the bow part of the present as well? I think Muzzles could use a little flair

How can we help cheer you up?

Is the bow part of the present as well? I think Muzzles could use a little flair

What are you even talking about.
I'm not talking about sleep paralysis or controlling your body. Your body is designed to react to stuff regardless of if you're asleep, such as if it's suffocating itself. It will roll over instinctively. Humans are evolutionarily idiot-proofed against themselves.
That's not what i mean at all, The closer a human comes to waking up from a sleep the more concious and abillity to move there body they get.

Humans are evolutionarily idiot-proofed against themselves.
I not so sure about this one. I think this is debatable.

I not so sure about this one. I think this is debatable.

Well, I am, at least

You would simply pass out and go back to sleep, probably flip over.

Uh you might want to see a doctor because you can't stop breathing when sleeping. It's automatic...

No it's like

my face

is smushed up against the pillow/bed

and it covers my mouth and nose

What are you even talking about.
I'm not talking about sleep paralysis or controlling your body. Your body is designed to react to stuff regardless of if you're asleep, such as if it's suffocating itself. It will roll over instinctively. Humans are evolutionarily idiot-proofed against themselves.

Well, my body always wakes me up when I accidentally suffocate myself

Sleep paralysation is scary dood.  It happened to me while I was trying to fall asleep and I got this sudden wave of fear and then I couldn't move.


Sleep paralysation is scary dood.  It happened to me while I was trying to fall asleep and I got this sudden wave of fear and then I couldn't move.

I highly recommend trying not to go into sleep paralyzes, Even if you're not attempting to

One time I woke up and I couldn't open my eyes because they were encrusted with sleep.