Author Topic: Why curing cancer is a bad idea  (Read 20967 times)

It is, pretty much.
Why would you stop at cancer?
i chose cancer as lots of money is spent into research on it

1 more idiot in this thread. Great.
Just because he has a different opinion doesnt make him an idiot. I dont think anyone here is an idiot, even though nobody has the same opinion as me

No need for us to stop advancing the field of medicine just because of a large population. Once we hit our limit the problem will solve itself. We have yet to hit the limit. (because of large ass farms and aquifers)

Still a lack of food and general resources and a lack of living space will help with that.
Also the main "predators" would probably be deadly sicknesses.


Just because he has a different opinion doesnt make him an idiot. I dont think anyone here is an idiot, even though nobody has the same opinion as me

Your Opinion its okay to be inhumane and allow people to die.

How is that not stupid?

Social Darwinism will take its course.

Just because he has a different opinion doesnt make him an idiot. I dont think anyone here is an idiot, even though nobody has the same opinion as me
Then you should accept that him calling him an idiot is his opinion?

i chose cancer as lots of money is spent into research on it
Because lots of money is put into it, and it kills people, we shouldnt find a cure?

This crap has been argued by actual smart people.  Did you all really ignore my quote?

Then you should accept that him calling him an idiot is his opinion?

No one should be called an idiot becuase it doesn't help on either side.  Calm yourself...

Actually this was argued by Robert Malthus in 1798.  Not your stupid cancer thing.  He argued that the rapid population increase would cuase exuastion of resources.

However his initial priority of this problem was lessen since it became not as much as a problem.  No one ever looks at the fact that a larger population not only means more people, but more minds.  More minds to solve the problems that come with "overpopulation".

Yes, I believe curing cancer is a great if not important idea.

For the newcomers to the thread.  Also to newcomers.... read the loving thread...
« Last Edit: October 11, 2012, 05:58:42 PM by snozola »

I don't think we'll ever cure cancer completely, but I'm all for trying.

I don't think we'll ever cure cancer completely, but I'm all for trying.
We actually can, same with every disease

No one should be called an idiot becuase it doesn't help on either side.  Calm yourself...
1. I'm calm
2. That's your opinion on my opinion on muzzle's opinion on the guy who called that guy an idiot's opinion.
This stuff is complicated.

Some people like to live you know

This goes both ways and you argument is dumb. If we stop trying to cure cancer, researchers are still going to be jobless and all was for naught. If we do cure cancer then at least we will bring down the infamous disease.

1. I'm calm
2. That's your opinion on my opinion on muzzle's opinion on the guy who called that guy an idiot's opinion.
This stuff is complicated.

Really?  Number 2 doesn't sound ridiculous to you?  Insulting people in an arguement takes all reason out.

Most of the time when people are calm they refrain from insulting people.  Could just be me though...

Just go ahead and murder people then.
What? He's just lowering the population

lol murder

dat fune

but seriously, people just need to stop having love for just a little bit

not exactly let cancer kill, (sorry, I was being a dolt) but something needs to happen here. In china, they kill your second child. (I think, correct me if I'm wrong) so please please please.

Sorry, I really didn't mean to grind anyone's gears. I need to think before I post


To advocates of forced or encouraged population recession, feel free to kill yourselves for your cause. Otherwise come up with a slightly more intelligent solution.