Author Topic: Why curing cancer is a bad idea  (Read 20880 times)

Yet, my opinion is here and it will not change


if it wont change


you're dumb and deserve to die from cancer if you think curing cancer "is bad for your moneymaking"

More people alive means more people saving money because there is less money people will have on average
You don't know how economics work, do you?

It would allow aliens to invade us!

Yeah that too,

(loving love that movie)

My father died from cancer. I watched him suffer and watched him lie on his deathbed. I have been through the same pain, more than you. Yet, my opinion is here and it will not change
Now I know you're even more of an starfish/idiot.
My uncle died of cancer. He suffered and was in agony for almost 5 years, and ended up dying a week before his 37th birthday.
If you think its okay to have people suffer like this, because the earth may get overpopulated, then I hope you do get cancer and die.

Also OP, before you go making ridiculous claims such as curing cancer will increase population growth by over 33%, PLEASE read a little more for forgets sake. Do some research and realize your idea is stupid before you throw it out for the dogs to tear apart.

So you saw your father die a horrible death but went like "Well it was for the greater good of the world. The population is now lowered by 1"?
I doubt this greatly.

Yeah, no stuff. It is a large contributor. a VERY large contributor to death


Diseases involving Diarrhea kill more people, seriously, 4.3%

we should cure cancer. like this thread.

if it wont change
My opinion isnt changing because you guys are just saying that my opinion is stupid. Sure, some people are giving me reasons why, which is good.
Now I know you're even more of an starfish/idiot.
My uncle died of cancer. He suffered and was in agony for almost 5 years, and ended up dying a week before his 37th birthday.
If you think its okay to have people suffer like this, because the earth may get overpopulated, then I hope you do get cancer and die.
Fair enough

My father died from cancer. I watched him suffer and watched him lie on his deathbed. I have been through the same pain, more than you. Yet, my opinion is here and it will not change
I know this sounds far fetched but there are solutions to this problem. If you want to lower the population, why don't you just support charities that help to promote safe love to teenagers, or even let NASA invest in space exploration technology? A human life is worth more than anything else and if you don't believe that you should probably sort out your morals.


*lowers pitchfork*

*finishes thread*

*picks up pitchfork*

lol half my family died from cancer, i sure as hell would try to make a cure for it