Author Topic: Why curing cancer is a bad idea  (Read 22076 times)

I think I saw this in a episode of NCIS: LA where some doctor decided that curing smallpox would kill the earth and then went homicidal and tried to start a smallpox epidemic and kill half of the worlds people.

oh, well would you look at that.

The cure cannot break free from their minds to be shared among the world

If the economy is growing, why are there lots of people in poverty? Why are countries in debt?

In my hypothetical claim I assumed the cure was found and cancer was then on forth unheard of. 

Actually, the world has a less ratio of poverty than ever before.  Countries have always been in debt.  That is a government thing not people.

muzzle is a friend 10/10

I don't know his loveual preference, but if you are refering to an insult that is really not needed.  He brought a legitament idea and presented it maturely. 

You know what, OP is right.
We should revert back to the medieval ages, and stop using technology and medicine to cure everyday illnesses. That way, more people will die, and earth will be saved!
yes, because that is exactly what i mean

When there are to many people, people will die and it will level out to the point people can sustain themselves again. With modern advances we have been able to have 7+ billion people, but even with modern advances the population will become higher than the food being produced and the fresh water available and the population will decrease and stabilize.
Rinse and repeat.

Just my theory.
either that or we will have the technology to perhaps stabilize a home on the moon, or mars. Maybe have farms in space.

When there are to many people, people will die and it will level out to the point people can sustain themselves again. With modern advances we have been able to have 7+ billion people, but even with modern advances the population will become higher than the food being produced and the fresh water available and the population will decrease and stabilize.
Rinse and repeat.

Just my theory.
Nature prevents overpopulation. Say there are a bunch of rabbits, and they live in a place for a long time, eventually there will be too many rabbits. The rabbits will be attacked by predators because of the abundance of prey. Also there wont be enough food for all the rabbits, or room for them to make their homes. Then the population of the rabbits decline because they hit the limit.

agree with OP.

Families will be sad, but seriously, deal with it. Other families go through this stuff more often than you do, just forget off.

we need a recess in POPULATION. please

Actually this was argued by Robert Malthus in 1798.  Not your stupid cancer thing.  He argued that the rapid population increase would cuase exuastion of resources. 

However his initial priority of this problem was lessen since it became not as much as a problem.  No one ever looks at the fact that a larger population not only means more people, but more minds.  More minds to solve the problems that come with "overpopulation".

Yes, I believe curing cancer is a great if not important idea.

For the newcomers to the thread.  Also to newcomers.... read the loving thread...

yes, because that is exactly what i mean
It is, pretty much.
Why would you stop at cancer?

agree with OP.

Families will be sad, but seriously, deal with it. Other families go through this stuff more often than you do, just forget off.

we need a recess in POPULATION. please
1 more idiot in this thread. Great.

Nobody should be okay with people dying, when there could be a cure.

[sarcasm]ya guys we shold just get rid of all cures 4 all diseases CUZ THERS 2 MANY PPL!!!!!!!![/sarcasm]

Nature prevents overpopulation. Say there are a bunch of rabbits, and they live in a place for a long time, eventually there will be too many rabbits. The rabbits will be attacked by predators because of the abundance of prey. Also there wont be enough food for all the rabbits, or room for them to make their homes. Then the population of the rabbits decline because they hit the limit.

The problem is that Humans don't really have any predators. We are on top of the food chain in some aspects, so that really wont work for us.

Families will be sad, but seriously, deal with it. Other families go through this stuff more often than you do, just forget off.

"My wife and kids just died in a car crash"

"Well that sucks. More families go through more stuff than you. Suck it up"

Nature prevents overpopulation. Say there are a bunch of rabbits, and they live in a place for a long time, eventually there will be too many rabbits. The rabbits will be attacked by predators because of the abundance of prey. Also there wont be enough food for all the rabbits, or room for them to make their homes. Then the population of the rabbits decline because they hit the limit.

This is exactly what I'm trying to say. Thank you for clearing it up more.

agree with OP.

Families will be sad, but seriously, deal with it. Other families go through this stuff more often than you do, just forget off.

we need a recess in POPULATION. please
Just go ahead and murder people then.
What? He's just lowering the population

agree with OP.

Families will be sad, but seriously, deal with it. Other families go through this stuff more often than you do, just forget off.

we need a recess in POPULATION. please

good work muzzles, you successfully convinced another dolt

The problem is that Humans don't really have any predators. We are on top of the food chain in some aspects, so that really wont work for us.
Still a lack of food and general resources and a lack of living space will help with that.
Also the main "predators" would probably be deadly sicknesses.