Author Topic: Request- Console Commands GUI  (Read 2767 times)

Basically a gui with at least these console commands in it:
Spy check! (look at the number in chat, then take that number and see if it matches with how amny players are in the player list)

MrCookie:  quit();  -quits Blockland.

  zoneark: crash();  -gives you an error message saying Blockland has encountered a problem and needs to close.

Captain Blue: deletedatablocks(); -deletes datablocks, very bad.

Kalphiter: dumpConsoleClasses();  dumpConsoleFunctions();  -Shows what the console does, causes massive console spam.
vehicleDB.maxWheelSpeed = x; -changes max wheel speed of vehicles

findClientByName("name").isAdmin = 1;  -Makes someone admin silently.

Froby: crouch();  - fixes crouch
jump();  - fixes jump
explodeclock();  -explodes the clock in Bedroom.

Regulith:Findclientbyname(name).player.mountobject(ObjectID,Nodenumber);                         -Mounts Object to player

  findClientByName("Name").player.setPlayerScale("# # #");  -changes size of a player/
   commandtoserver('ban',0,ID,Time,"Multiple Word Reason");  -bans someone

   serverConnection.chaseCam(delay); -makes camera lag behind you

   ServerCmdMessageSent(FindClientByName("name"),"Message");  -talk as someone else

   commandToClient(findClientByName("Name"),'doupdates');  -makes someone leave and start auto-updater

   localClientConnection.setCont rolObject(_vehiclespawnname.vehicle);  -lets you control a vehicle

   findclientbyname("name").player.changedatablock("datablock");  -change someone's datablock (ex. turn them into a horse)

   findclientbyname(Name).player.delete();  -deletes a player, all he can do is talk.

   ServercmdSelf Delete(findclientbyname("name"));  -kills someone

   ObjectID.dismount();   -unmounts something

   ObjectID.mountobject(ObjectD,0);  -mounts something to something else
   ObjectID.setPlayerScale.("# # #");  -changes object's size

Note: to get an object's ID, look at it and type /getID.

Xia the Ninja: announce(); (Chat message in yellow)  -makes some chat that everyone sees

getNonsense();  -crashes game

[weapon here]image.projectile = [projectile name here]projectile;    -makes a gun shoot something different (ex. Minigun shooting speed + Rocket launcher projectile = lag!)

Gamefandan: echo(Put what you want to echo here.); - When you press enter, it will say it in the console.

turnright(); - Makes you spin right.

turnleft(); - Makes you spin left.

commandtoserver('messagesent',"LOLOL YUR MESSAGE GOES HERE! :D"); - Congrats, you sent a chat message.

echo(mPow(7,9)); - Echos 7 to the power of nine.

echo(mSqrt(4)); - Echos the square root of 4.

echo(1+1); - Echos what 1+1 equals.

echo(1-1); - Echos what 1-1 equals.

echo(1*1); - Echos what 1x1 equals

serverConnection.chasecam(-1); -crashes Blockland

Maor: buildwall();  -Makes you build a wall

Tingalz: buildfloor2();  -makes you build a floor.
                      buildconfetti();  -makes you build confetti.
                      serverConnection.chasecam(<number>);   -makes the camers delay in following you.

Tokerovin:   chuckNorris();  -lets you put a brick inside another brick (i doubt this one somehow)

Plornt:  bottomprintall();
centerprintall();  -all are self-explanatory.

Chrono : while(true){}  -crashes your computer.
for(%admin=true;true;%adminlevel++){giveAdmin(%adminpassword);}  -crashes Blockland.

liliboarder32: function f(){schedule(100,0,F);scrolltools(-1);scrolltools(1);}

-Lets you fire weapons really fast

function f(){}

-To turn it off

%bg = findClientByName("enterNameHere").brickGroup; for(%i=0;%i<%bg.getCount();%i++){%bg.getObject(%i).setEmitter(burnEmitterA);}

-Sets all of a certain player's bricks' emitters to Fire A.

%bot = new aiPlayer(%name){datablock=playerStandardArmor; position=findClientByName("enterNameHere").player.getPosition();};

-Spawns a bot at a players position.

Cwitchy: clientcmdtimescale("Number Here");  - changes speed of your timescale
ObjectIDHere.setscale("# # #"); - Changes size of whatever the ID is.

Captian Crazy: Gunimage.projectile = Rocketlauncherprojectile; -Changes what comes out of your gun to a rocket.

Xerces: tree();  -opens up a simplified mission editor, but everything is numbers.

IceBlue:  findclientbyname(name).player.hidenode("node"); - Makes a player's body part disappear

Alphadin: changemap("[NAME]"); Changes the map
CrazyGoodDude: for(%i=0;%i<BrickGroup_4228.getCount();%i++) { BrickGroup_4228.getObject(%i).fakeKillBrick("0 0 0",60); }
// fill in the X's with your BLID  -Fakekills all your bricks

e(ADDON NAME HERE);transmitDataBlocks();

// Do it in the order I got it in!!
// This will force load an add-on you have in your folder, careful if a player does not have this add-on it will crash them from your game

Deep2:  flushnamespacecache();  -Flushes your namespace if you mess up a parent.
setDefaultFOV("# # #");  -Sets your default Field of  Vision.

setDefaultFOV("100 100 100");  -To change it back to default.

messageall('MsgAdminForce', "\c2PersonsName has become Super Admin (Auto)");  - Fake Admins someone.

superlolman: <ID>.delete();  -deletes the brick with that ID.

buildstairs(); -Builds stairs

Sonicfan574:  canvas.pushDialog(GUI_Name);  -opens a GUI.

Harm94: Jump(1); -Endless jumping

Evar678:  findclientbyname(NameHere).setcontrolobject(objectidhere);  -Makes you control whatever ID you put in.

Orthone: for(%i=0;%i <brickgroup_8038.getcount();%i++)brickgroup_6726.getobject(%i).setcolor(getrandom(0,30));

  -Change the red to your BL_ID. It changes all of your bricks to a random color from 0 - 30 in your paintset.

Xc: vehiclenamevehicle.forwardthr ust=99999; -makes a vehicle go fast foward
vehiclenamevehicle.backwardth rust= # ; (or reversethrust)
vehiclenamevehicle.yawforce= # ;
vehiclenamevehicle.rollforce= # ;
vehiclenamevehicle.pitchforce= # ; - all change stuff with a vehicle

Mr.Bob00: ObjectID.setShapeName("Name here"); - sets a vehicle's name
This would really be helpful. Anyone who makes this model will be loved by me. (No homo)
Also, you can release it to other people, rtb, etc, not just me.

Thats BobSevenSevens' console command list, and thats way too many text to fit on a gui.

Thats BobSevenSevens' console command list, and thats way too many text to fit on a gui.
Then make it open 2 guis, maybe?

1. What
2. Why
3. ...
4. Use console

A better add on would be when you type in the console it shows you the suggested functions

what is the practical purpose of this? if you know what you want to do why can't you just type it in the console?

A better add on would be when you type in the console it shows you the suggested functions
it does
type the first few letters and press tab
or did you mean something else

it does
type the first few letters and press tab
or did you mean something else
like a drop down menu that narrows down the more you type

Many of these are utterly useless, abusive, or things you shouldn't be doing in the first place.

anyway op, just do what i do
when you see a console command you want to use, paste it into textedit(notepad)
eventually youll have a big collection of console commands and you can use that as a reference whenever you want to use them

anyway op, just do what i do
when you see a console command you want to use, paste it into textedit(notepad)
eventually youll have a big collection of console commands and you can use that as a reference whenever you want to use them
dumpconsoleclasses(); or something dumps every single function into the console

Thats BobSevenSevens' console command list, and thats way too many text to fit on a gui.
Scroll bar?

dumpconsoleclasses(); or something dumps every single function into the console
That's the one to dump all object classes and their methods to the console. Not that script kiddies would get anything out of a complete list of either.