Author Topic: Total War: Rome II 9 minute gameplay!  (Read 3789 times)

loving finally they are making Rome II.

Can't wait for this game, it looks amazing. I hope they don't disappoint with this one. There seems to be a lot of disappointments all over the gaming industry...

Creative Assembly has not disappointed me once. (With the exception of Napoleon)

if those pictures are in-game in some way or another or a hint at what the game will look like, my snake will explode.

All in game screenshots.

Creative Assembly has not disappointed me once. (With the exception of Napoleon)
I heard Empire: Total War was a bit of a disappointment, but I never played the game myself. I never played any of the Total War games much, honestly, despite owning Rome, Empire and Medieval II on Steam. But this one will probably make me start playing them more.

first rome total war: gold is 1 dollar on steam

See how they use motion capture with their new animation system.

If you don't have time to watch the whole thing skip to 7:16.
« Last Edit: October 02, 2012, 10:18:39 AM by Mulch »

"Total War: Rome 2 soldiers are made up of between 6000 and 7000 polygons lead designer, James Russell, explained recently at the Eurogamer Expo. Artillery projectiles in Rome 2 are made up of more polygons then a Rome 1 soldier has."

a custom map feature would be neat. designing your own forts or something.

Creative Assembly supports modding, they have a Development Kit and Map Editor free to use now for their Shogun 2 title.

I have bought almost every total war game, and I will definitely buy this one!