Author Topic: Heedicalking's TDM  (Read 7194 times)

how are people spawnkilling? as in running into the spawn room or bombing it from afar?
Do you have a shift button?

-this has been mentioned and heed has already gone over this point twice, nice reading +1
-some peope like having the handgun, its your opinion that the gun is bad that is not a flaw
-longer respawn times limit everyone from running out with a machinegun and and rpg with 3 grenades, its your problem if you dont like the guns that are leftover
-^^^ and its not really that big of a deal
-8 pages
-some implies less then even half which means it should be pick-uppable
-there's a difference between gameplay and nuisance

Guns are OP. Give everyone pushbrooms and printers.

Guns are OP. Give everyone pushbrooms and printers.
"I'm gonna sweep you off of your feet!"

"I'm going to print you until I bore you to death!"

"I'll kill you faster then you can print 'BOOM'!" :P
I am having way too much fun with thinking of word puns.

Do you have a shift button?
why wouldnt i?

I'm keeping pistol until i redo spawns. it was to help fight off campers.

That was his old "Natives vs Military" TDM. It was fun, but I always remember how awfully unbalanced it was. One team has flaming bows, katanas and horses. The other team had tanks, jeeps and troop transports, plus magnums and assault rifles. It was a CTF, and the natives (red) almost always lost because their flag was wide out in the open, outside their spawn, and blue teams flag was locked deep inside a huge citadel right in their spawnroom. I remember this in great detail. Blue team had SO MANY defenses and walls and doors it was nearly impossible to grab their flag without cheating somwhow. It was absolutely ridiculous.
The problem with that was how difficult it actually was to get natives to not charge the loving citadel, i've actually won the game by just shooting people on walls and bypassing defenses. I'd also like to point out that the guns had ammo, it's trivial but i can remember tons of times where i got killed because i ran out of ammo, even with the extra ammo from the box at spawn.

Why do people insist on Heed really giving a stuff about what people think about his server.

All he cares about is the fact that people are actually joining.

The only thing that keeps me playing is the weapon set.

Why do people insist on Heed really giving a stuff about what people think about his server.

All he cares about is the fact that people are actually joining.

The only thing that keeps me playing is the weapon set.
geez do ya even read?

When are you going to host this again, Heedicalking? And are you ever going to host the Winter TDM again?

When are you going to host this again, Heedicalking? And are you ever going to host the Winter TDM again?
Come one come all!

  • did you HATE the old bases?
  • wanted different weapons?
  • less spawncamping?
COME ON IN! the new opening will be great for everyone!

stay alert for more cool stuff coming soon! maybe a new, completely DIFFERENT server!!!!!!!!!!!!

Come one come all!

  • did you HATE the old bases?
  • wanted different weapons?
  • less spawncamping?
COME ON IN! the new opening will be great for everyone!

stay alert for more cool stuff coming soon! maybe a new, completely DIFFERENT server!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm going to play it soon.