Author Topic: Heedicalking's TDM  (Read 7244 times)

oxygen is intended. dont fall in the water. you must be pretty bad if you wind up in the water in the first place.

you must be pretty bad if you wind up in the water in the first place.

It's not my fault you couldn't make a proper map for your stuffty tdm.

You can't dismiss the problems with your map by saying that I'm terrible at it if everyone's terrible at it because it's loving handicapped. If you spent the time fixing the points brought up by the players in the thread instead of trying to argue with the people bringing them up, you wouldn't be having a problem in the first place, would you?

i don't understand why you drama'd his tdm. it's a tdm. we can't do stuff about it. i think this would be more of a personal complaint with heed.

It's not my fault you couldn't make a proper map for your stuffty tdm.

You can't dismiss the problems with your map by saying that I'm terrible at it if everyone's terrible at it because it's loving handicapped. If you spent the time fixing the points brought up by the players in the thread instead of trying to argue with the people bringing them up, you wouldn't be having a problem in the first place, would you?
you seem really dumb. if you actually read the thread you would have seen that I have fixed problems. your ignorance is probably the biggest problem of the all. assuming i don't take suggestions from players and don't read what they say is just a crappy assumption, especially since i made it clear that I do numerous times throughout the topic. lets see what i've fixed:

Tank turrets spawncamping
Bomber being used to spawncamp
Spawnrooms not having enough room
The request of stuntplanes
More weapon variety
Higher oxygen
Added turrets needed to defend spawn island.
Added grenade bags that drop on death.
Rebalancing of obsolete weapons.

I've already worked with plant, mr jelly, bushido, lalam, and some others to come up with ideas and fix up some other stuff, and asked at least 3 times on the server for ideas that people would like to see added and changes that would like to be made.

your problem that you have is so stupid, its like complaining about fall damage. you die in the water because you shouldnt be in the water. the water doesnt glitch up and grab you out of the sky, drag you in, and crash your client. if you hold down space bar you can actually stay afloat long enough to reach the shore without losing oxygen.
i don't understand why you drama'd his tdm. it's a tdm. we can't do stuff about it. i think this would be more of a personal complaint with heed.
he made me aware of some more issues and it allowed people to discuss some apparent issues (or just rage like dumb little NOOBS).

The only problem I have with his TDM's is the spawn killing problem. As for the weapons balance problem if I'm correct the team with the bad weapons gets the good vehicles while the team with the good weapons get bad vehicles to even them out a bit.

The only problem I have with his TDM's is the spawn killing problem. As for the weapons balance problem if I'm correct the team with the bad weapons gets the good vehicles while the team with the good weapons get bad vehicles to even them out a bit.
how are people spawnkilling? as in running into the spawn room or bombing it from afar?

The only problem I have with his TDM's is the spawn killing problem. As for the weapons balance problem if I'm correct the team with the bad weapons gets the good vehicles while the team with the good weapons get bad vehicles to even them out a bit.
Getting killed in the spawn room is considered spawnkilling. If that happens (It now normaly wont) You will have to deal with it for a bit. There shall allways be spawnkilling thats a fact in any tdm even in TF2. The problem is not spawnkilling itself its spawn killers.

how are people spawnkilling? as in running into the spawn room or bombing it from afar?
Groups of people would camp there and kill anyone as they spawn, problem usually gets fixed whenever someone escapes, gets a gun, and starts whooping their ass.
But yea they go in there and wait at the spawn to make sure the the other team can't spawn.
What I'm thinking to do is to take and make a door to the spawn that is that team only so the other team can't enter to spawn kill. Only problem then is just them camping at the door.

The whole AA turret firing down red landing strip is still unfixed, not sure if this is supposed to be that way, but it is extremely annoying.

Also, you should make the health dispensers in each base only work for that team as I've noticed people who get in the spawn room have extremely long streaks due to camping behind the health button and clicking it to avoid dying.

i go to tdms to be able to shoot stuff
i can shoot stuff in heeds tdm
heeds tdm is good

Some minor points I experienced myself:
-You drown within 4 seconds
-Spawning with the handgun is useless and I have to throw it away every time
-The item respawn times are too long for 40+ people
-There is no item save/load button

Some minor points I experienced myself:
-You drown within 4 seconds
-Spawning with the handgun is useless and I have to throw it away every time
-The item respawn times are too long for 40+ people
-There is no item save/load button
-this has been mentioned and heed has already gone over this point twice, nice reading +1
-some peope like having the handgun, its your opinion that the gun is bad that is not a flaw
-longer respawn times limit everyone from running out with a machinegun and and rpg with 3 grenades, its your problem if you dont like the guns that are leftover
-^^^ and its not really that big of a deal

The bomb turrets are spamming their stuff at red's runway.

Please rotate the red base runway 90 degrees in either direction so this loving stuff doesn't happen.

Hey I love the server, I missed the Slopes TDM horribly and this is a great advancement and implement of V21.

Here are some minor suggestions
     -  weapon loudout save/load
     -  spawn killing protection
     -  boobs

Keep doin what you are doin

The AA turret is a bit OP when trying to destroy it.
I once got to the fort without dying (WOOTHAXLOL) and as soon as i got the roof, the AA turret just pointed at me and shot me to death. Also whenever I have respawned, the AA turret just continuosly fires at our island, destroying our unused vehicles. Maybe change the AA so it can overheat and/or couldn't aim so low.