Author Topic: Grapple Knife Server  (Read 4429 times)

Just a gameplay of my server. I had no idea where this would belong,
and Gallery was my best guess. Here's some pictures of my server...

NOTE: I made it all by myself. =3

I don't see any big differences between those grapple knife servers thesedays.

I don't see any big differences between those grapple knife servers thesedays.

Grapple Knife servers are horribly made and people need to get out of the habit of making them like this.

Back in my day, we didnt use no grapple knife.

Darn whippersnappers

I think I've seen this build before

oh wait, it's a knife DM

What an original concept.

What;s different with all the Grapple Knife Servers? Patterns are different, map
setup is also different, and different Grapple Knife servers may have more
options/features than others. For an example, on my server you could say /myping then
your ping will show up. But the pictures don't show it. (Obviously)

What;s different with all the Grapple Knife Servers? Patterns are different, map
setup is also different, and different Grapple Knife servers may have more
options/features than others. For an example, on my server you could say /myping then
your ping will show up.
But the pictures don't show it. (Obviously)

but that doesn't have an effect on the actual concept of the game.
Most grapple knife servers are just multicolored squares with 4 teams.
Plus, the map set up is basically the same,

What;s different with all the Grapple Knife Servers? Patterns are different, map
setup is also different, and different Grapple Knife servers may have more
options/features than others. For an example, on my server you could say /myping then
your ping will show up. But the pictures don't show it. (Obviously)

no. no. just, no. no to all of that.

face it, all grapple knife TDM servers are the same. some have an ugly floating music station installed but it has no effect on the actual gameplay. all grapple knife TDM servers are a floating bunch of multicolored platforms.

but that doesn't have an effect on the actual concept of the game.
Most grapple knife servers are just multicolored squares with 4 teams.
Plus, the map set up is basically the same,
No, they're not. Some are poorly created, and
some have very plain setups. Mine is different from every
Grapple Knife Server that I know. And yes, it can
effect the actual concept of the game. Say while it's
loading, you want to make sure that you don't have
a crappy connection when you actually play the game.
That's where it becomes handy/useful.

no. no. just, no. no to all of that.

face it, all grapple knife TDM servers are the same. some have an ugly floating music station installed but it has no effect on the actual gameplay. It can actually. If the music is liked to the person playing it, believe it or
not, it actually helps them. At least for me.

by gameplay i don't mean that a few people get inspired by music. i meant the concept. it was original at first but then 100 people and their moms felt the need to create a bunch of super original knife tdms and thus completely destroy the creativity in it.


by gameplay i don't mean that a few people get inspired by music. i meant the concept. it was original at first but then 100 people and their moms felt the need to create a bunch of super original knife tdms and thus completely destroy the creativity in it.

.-. A bunch of people and their moms?
And once again, the setups for Grapple Knife TDM Servers
could be different than others. Mine is easier because I use
many baseplates for my Grapple Knife map, which makes easier targets for