Author Topic: Your approach to life  (Read 5703 times)

do whatever the forget you want but still have priorities and responsibilities

You didn't answer my question.

You presented me with insignificant information.





because VARIABLES are involved.

I can't give you a definitive answer because of that reason.

« Last Edit: October 13, 2012, 11:58:09 PM by Slate521 »

because VARIABLES are involved.

I can't give you a definitive answer because of that reason.
you're hopeless

you'll never succeed in life

you'll amount to nothing

unless you answer my question

in a vacuum (no air)

with a container filled with an amount of liquid so that the volume of the liquid is equal to half of the container's volume

is the container half full or half empty

i need to know, sir

you're making this harder than it has to be

you're hopeless

you'll never succeed in life

you'll amount to nothing

unless you answer my question

in a vacuum (no air)

with a container filled with an amount of liquid so that the volume of the liquid is equal to half of the container's volume

is the container half full or half empty

i need to know, sir

you're making this harder than it has to be

neither, because those are subjective points of view
we'll assume the container is 150ml

it is then full of 75ml of water, and nothing else.

neither, because those are subjective points of view
we'll assume the container is 150ml

it is then full of 75ml of water, and nothing else.

those are numbers

if you were to word that in a sentence so that you would say the container was half filled with the liquid

what would you say

eg "blah blah blah numbers, and so, the container is half _____."

(filled counts as full btw)

THE BASIC IDEA BEHIND THE WHOLE THING IS OPTIMIST/PESSIMIST however it seems this entire conversation has actually drifted from that

you seem to be a pessimist though regardless

the container's volume is half water.
why is this so difficult for you to understand?

the container's volume is half water.
why is this so difficult for you to understand?
so what you're saying is

the glass is not half full
the glass is not half empty
the glass is just half of something and half of another something OR a nothing

i think you've solved the riddle

(seriously what are we even talking about at this point)

It is important to recognize that nobody does anything unless they themselves get something out of it. This holds true for all scenarios and all cases. For example: One might donate to charity because they need to feel like they are giving back to society. Making friends with someone allows you to have someone to have fun with/talk to. Sacrificing your own life for someone else is another morality issue, you will feel like the best person on earth if you attempt it. (You know, for the few seconds you are alive.)

It is also important to recognize that everyone will always have a different opinion than everyone else, and that arguing with said opinions can be incredibly difficult to persuade such individuals. Opinions are neither right or wrong, so there is no reason for you or anyone else to hate someone based on their opinions, however wrong you may feel they are.

Remember: The only truth, is the lack thereof.

And that is my brief philosophy lesson for the day.

so what you're saying is

the glass is not half full
the glass is not half empty
the glass is just half of something and half of another something OR a nothing

i think you've solved the riddle

(seriously what are we even talking about at this point)
You forgot all of his alts

the world is a terrible mean place
so be even more terrible and mean

things could always be worse buT THEY COULD ALSO BE BETTER

procrastination is key

stupid people are stupid and you are better than them unless youre one of the stupid ones
so act like it!!!!!!
« Last Edit: October 14, 2012, 01:45:59 AM by Jetlok »

the world is a terrible mean place
so be even more terrible and mean

things could always be worse buT THEY COULD ALSO BE BETTER

procrastination is key

stupid people are stupid and you are better than them unless youre one of the stupid ones
so act like it!!!!!!
so basically

I'm very passive.

All I ever do is sit on my chair and play on my computer.

And sometimes.

I sit in my other chair to play Xbox 360.

I also eat and sleep and drink a little.

Socrates is pretty much the main thing to live by, but that is quite hard without having his insane intelligence.

I prefer to use Aristotle views, for the most part.  Never going into the excess of the situation, as well as trying to stay out of the deficient zone.

If anyone quotes me - If you haven't read anything on Aristotle, don't comment please.

Can you please explain further the topics you brushed over? What is Socrates' perspective? What is Aristotle's perspective? Considering I want to increase the happiness of everyone through knowledge while being practical in knowing most will not research this themselves, you can help us all out with the hedonistic utilitarian goal in mind. Also, what do you mean by not going into the excess of a situation? Finally, what is the deficient zone?

When I can, I brown townyze what my actions will do, possible outcomes of it, the probability of each projected outcome, if the likelihood of an outcome which is beneficial to my efforts or to me directly, if it's even worth the effort, et cetera, et cetera.

This obviously takes time, which is why I prefer text-based communication over verbal forms in general.

This type of thought process proves very useful in things like social engineering and decision-making overall, however at times it's detrimental to my efforts rather than beneficial, and I've been practicing abandoning the processes when that occurs.

It's also kinda annoying with small, insignificant things like "What do I want to eat?" and "What can I do to entertain myself?".

Not sure what that'd be called. Good luck.

Actually, odds are, this will be skipped over by most anyway.

You are a consequentialist, just like me. Except, you are not creating shortcuts. I feel you should not go through the weighing process each time, but instead mull over what decisions would be best in certain situations ahead of time. I do this, and when the time comes I can piece several "preprocessed" decisions together based on the situation.

because VARIABLES are involved.

I can't give you a definitive answer because of that reason.


You are approaching a social situation scientifically. You should be able to figure out what he is insinuating, and make a guess on the variables based on that. It's basic social skills.