Author Topic: I need buildings for a city generator  (Read 1278 times)

Im making a city generator.
The only thing left is getting buildings that are on a 64x64 baseplate.
so here are the requirements for it:
Must be centered at 0 0 0 exactly (if you don't know how to do this, type the code at the bottom into your console and whenever you need a brick at 0 0 0 exactly it will center it there when you type /centerme. So try to keep it from not going over the baseplate, but if you have to make sure it doesn't go at most 8 studs out.
Oh right, and try to make it city themed. Skyscrapers are more welcomed than farms.
copy and paste this into console/eval
function serverCmdCenterMe(%client) { if(isObject(%client.player) && isObject(%client.player.tempbrick))%client.player.tempbrick.setTransform("0 0 0"); }
Then press plant. make sure it is on a 64x Baseplate or else it won't fit.
I'll post pics one I get atleast 3 buildings

You have like 20 projects don't you? Finish just one and i'll make you a build. I swear every two days you start something new and never finish it, lol.

You have like 20 projects don't you? Finish just one and i'll make you a build. I swear every two days you start something new and never finish it, lol.
- city generator is old.
- blockonet is basically done. I just need to make it user friendly
- blocky traitors is done to my belief
any other projects? 2 is a good count.
« Last Edit: October 13, 2012, 10:58:44 PM by Brian Smithers »

city generator is done
i just need buildings now.
Blockonet is my official only project now.

city generator is done
i just need buildings now.
In what pattern does it place components
do you have a sample

In what pattern does it place components
do you have a sample
what do you mean :c "in what pattern does it place components"
oh i understand now
each lot is 64x64.
so you can fit multiple buildings on it, you can also make a garden + house or a twin towers type thing.
it's up to the builder.
« Last Edit: October 14, 2012, 02:36:10 PM by Brian Smithers »

People who donate builds will get a prerelease of the generator.

how good must they be?

how good must they be?
any quality, but don't just half ass it. I need it to look some what good
focus on exterior and ignore interior.

just took a pic, click to enlarge.
please note that in the future:
-There will be road bricks
-The roads are only going to be 32x
-They're going to be more than 3 types of buildings.
« Last Edit: October 14, 2012, 08:45:58 PM by Brian Smithers »

Gathering lots of single building designs: great idea

Having them randomly placed in a grid: questionable

Gathering lots of single building designs: great idea

Having them randomly placed in a grid: questionable
I could use perlin noise to make certain parts certain kinds of buildings

My concern is more about the roads.

My concern is more about the roads.
Already figured out how to do them, even with customizable roads.