Author Topic: Crap you thought when you were younger  (Read 4763 times)

Your post makes no sense, but I'm guessing your trying to say is "Why put one if you are still young?"
OP is saying what crap did you think when you were younger, kinda like birth - 6 years old.
sorry fixed it

I thought I could control wind because whenever i would gesture my hands forward, the wind would blow.
I can still do it, but I think it's just silly now.
Even back then, at a certain time i called myself Lewa.

I thought my parents were kids in pioneer times.

I thought humans were around when the dinosaurs walked the Earth.

I thought Roblox was fun.

EDIT: I thought you could do anything if you just believed.

I thought Santa was real.
I thought the Easter Bunny was real.
I thought a Leprechaun was real.
I thought the Tooth Fairy was real.
I thought the Sand Man was real.
I thought ghosts were real.
I thought the world was a nice place.

I Also though I HAD THE TOUCH


I thought I could control wind because whenever i would gesture my hands forward, the wind would blow.
I can still do it, but I think it's just silly now.
Even back then, at a certain time i called myself Lewa.

I didn't know what anime and furries were till I was 9 or 10
« Last Edit: October 14, 2012, 02:58:05 PM by DRILL3R49 »

I Also though I HAD THE TOUCH


this sounds incredibly weird out of context but its weirder in context but
i used to think that boys peed out their bellybuttons cause i didnt know how anatomy worked

I thought babies were made through hugging rather than love (because that's how some children's comic I read depicted it)
I thought the computer screen was actually the computer

this sounds incredibly weird out of context but its weirder in context but
i used to think that boys peed out their bellybuttons cause i didnt know how anatomy worked
oh my

this sounds incredibly weird out of context but its weirder in context but
i used to think that boys peed out their bellybuttons cause i didnt know how anatomy worked
shyGriff you continue to make me laugh.
but really that is really weird if men actually did that.

My friend's sister thought that men had periods and pee blood.

If I didn't sleep a certain way, the Flash would come, tell me "Looks like someone isn't sleeping right.", and beat me up.

If I didn't sleep a certain way, the Flash would come, tell me "Looks like someone isn't sleeping right.", and beat me up.

I thought if you ripped open a dollar, 4 quarters would come out.

No, take any transition metal, take it's temperature to around 0 Kelvin ~(-273 C) and give it a current, and I guarantee the de-localized electrons in there will carry on round that conductor for ever, even after the supply of electricity is removed.

And then it heats up again and it doesn't work????