Author Topic: Crap you thought when you were younger  (Read 4759 times)

I used to think the world wasn't a nice place.

And then it heats up again and it doesn't work????

Leave it in space, silly.

I didn't know what a Nerdfighter was.

I thought if you threw luck charms marshmellows (cereal) on the ground you would get powers.

Marshmellow powers!

I thought making a tree house was easy.

I thought that nuclear power plants were cloud factories and the clouds came out of the cooling towers whenever they released all the built-up steam.
It's kinda true, I guess

Muslims were good people.

not sure what this is but okay

that you had to pray to god to have a child

that women's private areas consisted of a slit where everything just came out
...are far from perpetual motion machines

This thread is shattering mah world right now...

I thought perpetual motion was possible (Using a generator to power itself, attaching magnets to cars to propel them, etc)
I thought that a solar panel can create a light that powers the solar power.

When i was younger, i truly believed:

-I could jump off of anything no matter how high up and live (Yeah, THAT was fun...)
-When people died, they melted
-Icecubes were cold asteroids that landed in my freezer
-I thought boobs were deformities.. but somehow hot
-everytime we left my house i though we went to a new island
-i was stronger than the ninja turtles
-barney was seriously a friend
-a bitch was a bag of candy (daddy, can you buy me some bitches?) lmao still remember saying that
-a dike was another word for dice
-The world was a nice gentle place
-Weed was bad
-highschool girls were hot
-runescape was fun

and also, I thought blockland would never be this epic  :cookieMonster:

that there were like four countries

Like Sweden USA Africa and England maybe

EDIT: I thought you could do anything if you just believed.

I used to think that love was hugging.

not sure what this is but okay

that you had to pray to god to have a child
I have my reasons, but I don't want to derail this thread by saying what they are.