Author Topic: Hologram Particles  (Read 5025 times)

Its a hologram sphere.

Oh I see, no moar deathstar?   :panda:

These are possibly the best particle's i've seen =D Good job.

Oh I see, no moar deathstar?   :panda:

I'll going to do both. I just did the sphere because I grabbed the particle pre-made off of metawiki, and threw a few filters on it. :D

I'll probably have to make the death star from scratch.

Oh, I've got to fix the world map too, the game mirrored it.

Holy l33t saucez. I  nevr tunked of dat. lol But I can't wait till this is released. Then I can look at it and make some....

Well...I was putting together a decal pack and it had some holograph style ones in it. Not anywhere near as interesting as the particle thing but atleast you know its nots going anywhere (unless you guys fix the particle rotation thing). edit button :(

heres the other one i made.

I'll probably release them all as particles, and then later, for the ones that need it, I'll release a shape/item using a much higher quality image.

This is very nice, can't wait for the release.

Do you think its still possible to do a particle that doesnt align itself to player?

Perhaps ask on GG forums, they should know.

Wedge has finished? I found this when I was looking at a new holograms topic.

I want these please release them  :panda:

Maybe Badspot will make them in v9? Will you Badspot?

you'd only see one side :D


Australia is there, what are you talking about

Someone sent me a pm asking for them. I don't have them anymore, the hard drive I had them on crashed.
There are a few people who might have a copy, I'll post here if I find them.