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Author Topic: [124x70] Menen the First - Go read Time Force and support my sister  (Read 49804 times)

Bow down.
run for it already, he's obv going to devour you

Before you can even make a move, Yog opens his awesome jaws and lets out a blood-curdling screech. A beam of pure time energy erupts from his gaping mouth and hits you and Erzulie straight on.

You feel a tingling sensation... like you're falling into an abyss. You feel yourself... getting older.

He's going to try to age you to death.

You both lose -15 HP

Your HP: 5/20

Erzulie's HP: 35/50

Seeing you're in pain, Erzulie takes a moment to cast Healing Touch.

Erzulie loses -10 MP

You gain +10 HP

Erzulie's MP: 80/90

Your HP: 15/20

This guy is all bark and no bite. FILL HIM WITH LEAD

Rolled 19 + 1 = 20 - success

Roll d10 for damage: 8 + 1 = 9

You have gained +1 experience points in Marksmen

You have lost - 2 holy-bullets

In your good fortune, you manage to make a high roll and hit the creature twice, each dealing the maximum amount.

Yog lost -18 HP

Yog's HP: 282/300

Mini-update; Deadrock RPG book 1.2, how to use magic:


If you are playing as a character with known magical properties or has taken a skill in performing magic, then you're going to want to know how to properly use it.

First, you have a point system in Magic, just like you do for Health. MP, or Magic Points, is how capable your spell casting is. Magic is an energy and as such can't be created from just anything. You need to replenish your magic and have enough, else a spell won't get cast.

Unlike HP, MP will regenerate each turn (each new post update) automatically until its full. Your MP is not a level, you must roll a d20 for every action and the desired spell will cost however many magic points it costs. Each spell will have a base amount of MP required to perform it and any additional MP for attack or regenerative spells to make the HP loss of your opponent or gain of your ally higher (e.g. You want to attack an opponent and do -20 HP damage, and the spell costs 10 MP to perform, you will require at least 20 MP to use the spell).

When you use magic it does not count as a skill but rather towards more MP. Your MP is based entirely on experience and upgrades as such. If you have 10 MP and you perform 10 spells in an encounter, you will have 20 MP when the encounter is finished. Certain NPC characters will have whatever MP they start with as their max MP levels for scripted purposes.

Deadrock will be using the DnD system for spells, so if you wish to learn a new one or see if a character has a spell, check the DnD guide first to see if it exists:

DnD List of Spells: http://dndtools.eu/spells/

For our current encounter (as of 6/18/13), Erzulie uses Necromancy as her primary form of Magic, refer to the Libris Mortis for feats and spells:

Book of the Dead DnD: http://dndtools.eu/feats/libris-mortis-the-book-of-the-dead--71/

Edit: I can also list out Erzulie's known spells, if so requested.
« Last Edit: June 18, 2013, 01:32:19 PM by Swholli »

Edit: I can also list out Erzulie's known spells, if so requested.

Do it.

Run away like a little girl.

Do it.

Level 10 Necromancer

Healing TouchYou transfer some of your life essence to another creature, healing it.
Cost -10 MP
Basic Necromancy - Requires Level 3
Divine AccuracyYou can channel positive energy to give your allies' melee attacks another chance to strike true against incorporeal creatures.
Cost -5 MP
Basic Necromancy - Requires Level 1
Ghostly GraspYou can handle incorporeal objects even while corporeal or vice versa.
Cost -1 MP (per object, includes ghosts; doesn't require a new turn, can be used indefinitely until MP runs out)
Medium Necromancy - Requires Level 4
Life DrainYou drain additional life energy from your foes.
Cost -10 MP
Roll two d10s for damage
Basic Necromancy - Requires Level 2
Awaken UndeadThis spell grants intelligence to mindless undead such as skeletons and zombies.
Undead do not regain any skills or feats they had in life.
Undead regain the armor and weapon proficiencies they had in life and will don armor and take up weapons while obeying your commands.
Cost in MP is amount of HP previously alive character held
Difficult Necromancy - Requires Level 9
DestructionThis spell instantly slays the subject and consumes its remains (but not its equipment and possessions) utterly.
Cost -20 MP
Roll two d10s for damage
Medium Necromancy - Requires Level 7
Sphere of Ultimate DestructionYou conjure a featureless black sphere of nothingness that disintegrates almost anything it touches.
Cost -40 MP
Roll five d10s for damage
Difficult Conjuration - Requires Level 9
Aganazzar's ScorcherA jet of roaring flame bursts from your outstretched hand, scorching any creature in its path.
Cost -10 MP
Roll three d10s for damage
Basic Evocation - Requires Level 2
Burning RageThis spell imbues a creature with burning magical energy that enhances the subject's strength and endurance. The searing energy also burns and injures the subject.
Cost -15 MP
Cost - 5 HP per turn to player imbued with spell
Player imbued with spell preforms any attack normally but has a +10 modifier on everything and rolls two d10s for damage
Basic Transmutation - Requires Level 1

i'm gonna jump the shark and say "cast sphere of ultimate destruction" because that seems pretty viable

i'm gonna jump the shark and say "cast sphere of ultimate destruction" because that seems pretty viable
Do eet.

Erzulie has regenerated +5 MP during this turn

Shoot the eyes.

Rolled 11 + 1 = 12 - success

Yog does indeed have sensitive eyes, attacks there are doubled.

Roll d10 for damage: 9 + 1 x 2 = 20

You have gained +1 experience points in Marksmen

Marksmen now at Level 2

You have leveled up to Level 2

You have lost - 1 holy-bullets

Yog lost -20 HP

Yog's HP: 262/300

i'm gonna jump the shark and say "cast sphere of ultimate destruction" because that seems pretty viable

Rolled 17 - success

Roll five d10s for damage: 9 + 7 + 5 + 4 + 9 = 34

You have lost -40 MP

Yog lost -34 HP

Erzulie's MP: 45/90

Yog's HP: 228/300

Yog uses the time energy beam once more.

You both lose -15 HP

Your HP: 0/20

Erzulie's HP: 20/50

Nate would be bloodied but is wearing the Well Made Bear-Skin hat, he is 1 point away from being bloodied.

Use dat elixir.
« Last Edit: June 19, 2013, 04:38:30 PM by Menen »

Erzulie has regenerated +5 MP during this turn

Quote from: poiz
> Drink ALL the medicine.
> All of it.
(Those buffs stack, right?)
Use dat elixir.

You drink both elixirs to stack their health usage. You now have full HP and +20 SP (shield points). When you take damage you will lose SP first and then HP.

Quote from: Unclever title
Hmm... his time beam comes from his mouth (well his biggest one).  I wonder, can he talk and attack at the same time?

>Keep him talking.  Preach at him, maybe.  Old gods might be more susceptible to divine words than ghosts (or less, but we don't know till we try don't we?)
>Punctuate your sermon with more holy bullets to the eye.

Rolled 19 + 2= 21 - success

Roll d10 for damage: 7 + 2 = 9

You have gained +1 experience points in Preach

Yog lost -9 HP

Yog's HP: 253/300

: You supposed divine pile of manuer! You are no God to me, nor are you anything but a putrid pile of waste seepage. I cast ye' back to the depths of whatever hell you clawed out of, may you rot in eternal damnation!

: Grah! It stings, mortal one, but it does not kill me!

You quickly and without thinking take advantage of this foolish banter and take another quick crack at his eye.

Rolled 10 + 2 = 12 - success

Roll d10 for damage: 8 + 2 x 2 = 20

You have gained +1 experience points in Marksmen

You have lost - 1 holy-bullets

Yog lost -20 HP

Yog's HP: 233/300

Yog is surprised and damaged and unable to attack this turn!

Use Aganazzar's Scorcher on nearest eyeball

It looks like the time beam is actually healing Yog. Is that intentional?