Author Topic: Tombland - just wait  (Read 19578 times)

there should be a yellow cape that grants jump height (not a reference to super mario world i promise) and there should be some kind of item that removes the damage bonus you receive while crouching

Best new game mode 2012. I'll DEFINITELY take some time to make that Rift Fortress theme I was thinking of :3

Hey can we post ideas and/or suggestions in this thread?

Hey can we post ideas and/or suggestions in this thread?
I linked the bit bucket issue tracker. Post it ther guys.
That is where me and Ipquarx will be looking for things to code.

Hey can we post ideas and/or suggestions in this thread?

yes ofcourse

^^ and that too please
« Last Edit: November 04, 2012, 03:23:43 PM by Space Man »

So, the next time you decide for another public testing, will there be new mechanics implemented?

Things like: Magic
                  Armor and Weapon Durability
                  Hidden traps? >:)
Also, will you open a donation pool or something?

How long will you be hosting this, because I'm not able to get to my computer right now.
nvm it ended

^ouch... don't worry next weekend again (this time from saturday to sunday instead of just sunday)

So, the next time you decide for another public testing, will there be new mechanics implemented?

Things like: Magic
                  Armor and Weapon Durability
                  Hidden traps? >:)
Also, will you open a donation pool or something?

The next public test will probably be next weekend.

While waiting for that we are making new stuff like magic and things.

It was really fun guys, and I mean really fun.

It was a successful test and we got loads of new suggestions and everything. The party system worked great and it was just lovely to see some kind team play.
(except in party BRAVE, they were a bunch of lone wolfs)

So yeah, we are doing new stuff during the week and then a public test next weekend again I think.

Thanks for every tester we had, it was really fun!

(except in party BRAVE, they were a bunch of lone wolfs)

So yeah, we are doing new stuff during the week and then a public test next weekend again I think.

I DID WHUT I COULD ;^; silly Blockland and it's forign understanding of 'teamwork'.

My only complaint was there was no way to goldsink potions when one needed one, other then that I can't wait for more features. That and for some reason the Brave shopkeeper kept going berserk on us -,-;

This was addicting as hell until I got to over 5k gold and around 30 hp left.
but yeah that seemes like the only not-fun aspect.

Why would gold = health? I don't understand.

I think he's saying there should be healing items that you buy with gold.

I think he's saying there should be healing items that you buy with gold.
add to bitbucket

add to bitbucket

- Demian [ID:10334], building, ideas, few models, stuff.
I don't remember modeling anything for you, although I am available for commissions.