Author Topic: Banning 1000+??????  (Read 15341 times)

People in Blockland just generally seem like arrogant idiots. I've been banned ten times in Blockland.

That's five times more than every other game I have.
One ban is from Tribes 2 when I uh, hi-jacked a server by vote admining myself when nobody else was there and banning everybody till a Super Admin came.
and another was from being a better builder than some starfish in Tribes 2 Construction.

I miss T2, my uncle and I were in the Guru3D Maha clan back in the day.

I didn't miss the point i just said will he ban all the ppl even if there will be 15 000 ppl, but i don't care about ban: it's too normal in bl so theres nothing to worry about.

Eventually the only ID's bellow 1000 will be the uber veterans.

Blockland's always got something new to offer so i suspect i'll be here for quite a while.

You im hurt i just joined a few days ago and my ID is your trying to say im handicapped...i know almost everything about the game so stop being handicapped

You are guilty of not reading the topic carefully. And judging by your reaction you are handicapped.

You im hurt i just joined a few days ago and my ID is your trying to say im handicapped...i know almost everything about the game so stop being handicapped

NOOO!!! My ID is 1 thousand below yours! OMG OMG OMG! I'm scared!!!
« Last Edit: September 11, 2007, 10:17:23 PM by Ghoul »

Why was this thread bumped... Just let it die... I have half the mind to ban your ID now off my server just for bumping, no telling what newbish ice cream you'll do there... Just to same me the time, and bother to ban you when/if you'd join.

I miss T2, my uncle and I were in the Guru3D Maha clan back in the day.

I was in [Q] :D

And you don't like me.
RW has 1080, he's not handicapped. He's just an egomaniac. :cookieMonster:

I lol'd

The higher the ID, the higher the level of mental handicapation. Though there are a few exceptions, this is generally true.


So everyone new to Blockland is handicapped, eh?
Yes. Go read the Newbie posts.

Yea, I'm late coming to this topic. Whatever.

Banning by ID is definitely not right. Most people agree.
It is true, though, that most of the people with lower IDs have been around the forums and community longer than people with IDs 1000+. That means that most of the lower IDs know when to draw the line between funny and stupid. Newer members may not know or may just be confused.

So, banning just by ID is wrong, but banning by stupidity is somewhat connected to IDs.

Thats my opinion, anyways.