Author Topic: Why Being Gay is a Choice  (Read 18460 times)

Let's answer your question with a question. Why is being gay a choice? You have made stacks of claims but your scientific citation is lacking by a long shot. Every point you've made has been based upon personal experience in one evidential case. Furthermore, this case you've presented with your friend Andrew is significantly lacking any solid proof.

Source proving being gay not to be a choice:
States the following:

"fix that, too. They would have failed.
I spent the first 35 years of my life trying very hard not to be gay, to the extent that I married my college sweetheart and created a beautiful family of five children with her. Hard as I tried to make that life work, I could not escape my attraction to men. Choice had nothing to do with it."

Oh for pete's sake. You're using a news souce? You know people are usually bribed large sums of money in order to lie and have the station gain huge ratings?

Oh for pete's sake. You're using a news souce? You know people are usually bribed large sums of money in order to lie and have the station gain huge ratings?

Are you joking, or is this really your counter-argument?

Oh for pete's sake. You're using a news souce? You know people are usually bribed large sums of money in order to lie and have the station gain huge ratings?

asgashdkfkgjsksnsjdfjslwks are you handicapped or a conspiracy theorist

Oh for pete's sake. You're using a news souce? You know people are usually bribed large sums of money in order to lie and have the station gain huge ratings?
It's absolutely and utterly better than what you're using. Do not disregard my entire point based upon a perfectly logical source. You are a hypocrite. You cannot completely disregard a specific source when your source is no better at all.

You know people are usually bribed large sums of money in order to lie

have the station gain huge ratings?


Oh yeah also, how does a gay gene get passed on? This is more of a neutral question.

asgashdkfkgjsksnsjdfjslwks are you handicapped or a conspiracy theorist

Welcome back!

It's absolutely and utterly better than what you're using. Do not disregard my entire point based upon a perfectly logical source. You are a hypocrite. You cannot completely disregard a specific source when your source is no better at all.


I'm in the process of reading the article.

Oh for pete's sake. You're using a news souce? You know people are usually bribed large sums of money in order to lie and have the station gain huge ratings?
you used urban dictionary. also, at least he used A loving SOURCE.

Oh for pete's sake. You're using a news souce? You know people are usually bribed large sums of money in order to lie and have the station gain huge ratings?
for the record: a site like CNN can be used as a news source.  if it was something like fox news or NBC then it would be right to question the background of the article's host corporation.  CNN can be considered at least slightly less biased in both directions towards liberal/conservatives.

Oh for pete's sake. You're using a news souce? You know people are usually bribed large sums of money in order to lie and have the station gain huge ratings?

Your focus group of homoloveual people is one person. Therefore, your claims are completely inaccurate and lies. Unless you put the scientific objedtive theory to work and have a larger group of all ages, races, and lifestyles, you are 100% lying and have no proof.

you used urban dictionary. also, at least he used A loving SOURCE.

First I assumed it was a medical condition. Then he said not to use that, so I assumed it was a slang term.

Too much polarization and liberal/conservative research.

First I assumed it was a medical condition. Then he said not to use that, so I assumed it was a slang term.
you still have no sources for any of the information you so blatantly pulled right from your ass.

Oh yeah also, how does a gay gene get passed on? This is more of a neutral question.

I tried typing a response but I just couldn't.

you still have no sources for any of the information you so blatantly pulled right from your ass.

How do I cite real life events that I witnessed

I tried typing a response but I just couldn't.

Try really hard. It should be a pretty easy question.

How do I cite real life events that I witnessed

You don't. You shouldn't be using one person as your sole research. You should be reading objective scientific studies and citing them.

How do I cite real life events that I witnessed

Try really hard. It should be a pretty easy question.
you didn't cite any of the FACTS such as the "your brain makes you turn gay" argument.