Author Topic: this is ridiculous (internet speed sudden snail butt)  (Read 3017 times)

i've avoided making a thread about this issue, but wow, it's ridiculous now.

here's my internet speed months back:


there has been no downgrade or change in our internet plan.

it just suddenly decided to be five butts.

there are no reported problems in the area, and this has been going on for at least two months.

does anyone know what the problem may be?

i'm almost positive it's an ISP issue, but i'd like to be sure

Do not turn this into a speedtest thread. That is not the purpose of this thread. Go do that somewhere else if you want to feel good or bad about your internet.
« Last Edit: October 23, 2012, 05:49:29 PM by otto-san »

Possible router issues if you have one.

What is the conversion rate from Megabytes to Butts?

^Don't know why but I found that pretty funny.

hey, at least your upload speed went up :)

This is the wifi at my grandmas where I'm at right now. :(

media roostermunications

This is the wifi at my grandmas where I'm at right now. :(


Our internet package is the best internet you can get out here and thats 1.5mb/s :/

Possible router issues if you have one.
Problems persist when connected directly to the modem.

Do not turn this into a speedtest thread. That is not the purpose of this thread. Go do that somewhere else if you want to feel good or bad about your internet.

Problems persist when connected directly to the modem.

Do not turn this into a speedtest thread. That is not the purpose of this thread. Go do that somewhere else if you want to feel good or bad about your internet.

Type this into command prompt:

I use Mediacom too and it is slower than a handicapped turtle.

Try another modem?
"another modem"

the modem is provided by our ISP, we don't have another one

Type this into command prompt:
Sure. Hold on.

Tracing route to []
over a maximum of 30 hops:

  1    <1 ms    <1 ms    <1 ms  router.belkin []
  2    10 ms     9 ms     7 ms
  3    44 ms    21 ms    21 ms
  4    22 ms    26 ms    21 ms
  5    32 ms    32 ms    44 ms
  6    35 ms    43 ms    33 ms []
  7     *       31 ms    40 ms
  8    59 ms    38 ms    87 ms
  9    33 ms    34 ms    38 ms
 10    35 ms     *       34 ms
 11    33 ms    34 ms    33 ms
 12     *        *        *     Request timed out.
 13    32 ms    34 ms    35 ms []

Trace complete.

I use Mediacom too and it is slower than a handicapped turtle.
I'm pretty sure 30Mbps is above-average.

I think the global average is ~12Mbps, but I'm only about 60% sure.

It was fine up until recently.

hey, at least your upload speed went up :)
That is a positive, I guess, yes. c:

What is the conversion rate from Megabytes to Butts?
8Mbits = 7Asses
« Last Edit: October 23, 2012, 05:56:44 PM by otto-san »


I am sigging this because it will never happen again.
« Last Edit: October 23, 2012, 05:59:31 PM by dkamm65 »