Author Topic: What will you be for Halloween?  (Read 2206 times)

Or I'll at least try

This isn't relevant to the topic but...

"Because you were more to her than Royal Protector, farewell Corvo..." That loving hit me hard.

Anyways I'm planning to be:

forgetin' Salem.

They go by many names; soul walkers, stilt monsters, uglies, land striders, stilt monsters and quadrupeds. I planned to make one, but the costs exceeded my desire. However, I may dress up as Ron zombie

I have a lot of experience with make-up, additions (hair, blood etc) so I could pull that off, and I just recently found this cool thing I might use with it called the iWound

are you just gonna
wear glasses and a shirt
I have the right everything. Glasses, the shirt, the pants, the shoes, the stuff.

I don't do trickortreating anymore... :(

probs gonna go as the kool kids klub and chase after white people

probs gonna go as the kool kids klub and chase after white people
I have a full idea for a costume like that but I'm not going to do it.

run around in a black dress and a pointy black hat and chase around white guys