Author Topic: [100x70]Chivalry - Hey baby, wanna see my warhammer?  (Read 7727 times)

Examine yonder Table

Craft thyself some eldritch abominations
« Last Edit: October 29, 2012, 05:45:46 PM by Menen »

Look down yonder hole.

Where'd the hourglass go :o

Where'd the hourglass go :o

Examine yonder Table

Thou doth contend to thine table over yonder. It be littered in small, intricate models of clay that thou hath created. Thou sayeth they are the concepts of thine ideas and what they shallst look like. Other than thine finished figures, there remains unmolded clay upon thine table. Thine have been thinking of new ideas but thou art unsure and much uninspired.

Cast ye gaze upon the interior of thy pit

Look down yonder hole.

Cast ye gaze upon the interior of thy pit

Yeah thats the last place we can look at, unless there is something on the other wall

or Examine thou models closer
« Last Edit: October 29, 2012, 10:01:07 PM by Menen »

Examine thy pit, wonder why ye scythe doth vibrate

Cast ye gaze upon the interior of thy pit

Thou cast thy gaze upon the pit in thine lair. It's jaw yawns open and sucking in all light. Thine pit seems bottomless, it's walls stretching on and on. As thou doth approach the pit more closely, thou hear screams and moans of unseen owners from deep within thine pit. Thou cannot make out what they cry for, but thou think nothing of it. Thou art aware of this pit and where it leads. It leads to all places seen and unseen within your domain. Creations cast into thine maw of darkness art then put to thy test.

Thou doth try making a  creation modeled after thee, and doth throw it into ye pit?

Thou doth try making a creation modeled after thee, and doth throw it into ye pit?

Thou hath already created three beings much like thyself. Thy hath thought of a fourth, as thou doth not consider the others advisory. Speaketh of thy creation, thou doth believe thou heard the coming of one.

>blury mr swirl pants : stop being blury

Redirect thy head towards the opposite direction from where you thus look currently.