Author Topic: IcyGamma Spammed My RTB Chat  (Read 17112 times)

Oh Crepe.

You are like a more literate version of Furling.
i wish you weren't so roostery and uptight

I'll never be anything good to those who have decided to get all bitchy over me.

I think you'll find I'll only rub you up the wrong way if you decide to be persistently rude and hostile. Bolster decided to throw stones so its the only reason I have to constantly work to tuck him into submission. The moment he stops being so melodramatic and goes and focuses on someone else, it'll be water under the bridge.

I know you like to think you are innocent but you aren't. Its only human nature for you to villainize me and refuse to listen to what I have to say.

That and people here like drama. I've given you all the facts, but you choose to ignore them and make up more reasons that I've done something so shocking and terrible when really this topics is about one guy overreacting to me overreacting.

You can tell its nonsense when it ends in semantics. "Why didn't you type lol?" -- forget me Crepe.

I think you'll find I'll only rub you up the wrong way if you decide to be persistently rude and hostile. Bolster decided to throw stones so its the only reason I have to constantly work to tuck him into submission. The moment he stops being so melodramatic and goes and focuses on someone else, it'll be water under the bridge.
that's not true at all lol

i've gone periods without addressing you at all, only to have you waltz into a thread and insult me out of the blue

don't act like you're some innocent party, you give as much as you take

i've gone periods without addressing you at all, only to have you waltz into a thread and insult me out of the blue

That has never happened.

You can tell its nonsense when it ends in semantics. "Why didn't you type lol?" -- forget me Crepe.
i can agree here, I hate it when you state out a valid point against a user, usually if you make one little mistake they point it out and think your statement is falls.

Seriously people are so stupid sometimes.

That has never happened.
I've given you all the facts, but you choose to ignore them and make up more reasons that I've done something so shocking and terrible. I know you like to think you are innocent but you aren't. Its only human nature for you to villainize me and refuse to listen to what I have to say.

I'll never be anything good to those who have decided to get all bitchy over me.

I've given you all the facts

No. That was a fake statement you have made up.

You are just antagonizing as always. And yet you pretend you are being fair and helpful.

I don't get why people buy what you say.

No. That was a fake statement you have made up.

you post it, fact
i post it, "fake statement that you made up!!!"

you post it, fact

Actually, Crepe verified what I said by posting the full log.

My point was simply that this wasn't "spamming" him. I was just being very uneloquent and rude and due to frustration my only response to him was to write "aaaaahhhh" over and over.

There is a fundamental difference between spamming (which implies I targeted him maliciously) and being a bit of a richard in an IRC chat.

What you are doing Boltster, is coming into a topic loaded with old drama and predefined hate, and trying to make as big of a mess as possible. Its a very lame and antisocial thing to do for someone who regards himself as a social creature.

What you are doing Boltster, is coming into a topic loaded with old drama and predefined hate, and trying to make as big of a mess as possible. Its a very lame and antisocial thing to do for someone who regards himself as a social creature.
the difference is that when i say or refer to myself as being social, i'm talking about IRL and not the internet

this is where our differences of perspectives comes in. you've invested a great deal in trying to craft this online persona of yours, and i haven't (literally couldn't give a stuff). I invest it in myself IRL.

the difference is that when i say or refer to myself as being social, i'm talking about IRL and not the internet

this is where our differences of perspectives comes in. you've invested a great deal in trying to craft this online persona of yours, and i haven't (literally couldn't give a stuff). I invest it in myself IRL.

This is another typical Boltster tactic.

You comment on people IRL with the most negative images you can imagine of them, even though you obviously have no clue about those individual people. Recent comments include messages like "you look just as autistic as i imagined you would".

Yet in that same breath you seem to desperately try to convince people you have a "perfect life" which seems to be by gweedo standards. Your recent endeavor has been to post about weightlifting everywhere, even going as far as telling people they need to "bulk up" which is a little embarrassing.

If you can't be trusted with your attitude towards people online, how can anyone expect you to be a good person in reality? Though our online persona may have very little to do with how we are in reality, there is still a chunk of us in it. There is nothing beautiful about your personality online no matter how deep I've tried to look into it. I can't say this for many people and I don't enjoy saying it either.

Nobody invests anything into Blockland apart from downtime. It is actually YOU who is being very upfront about mixing your IRL and online life to try and impress people-- it doesn't work. It just seems bullish.

If bolster is a troll to you then why doesn't you loving stop giving him what you think he wants?

If bolster is a troll to you then why doesn't you loving stop giving him what you think he wants?

Bolster is too persistent on my topics and projects.

I notice a lot of people back down because they get tired of being insulted by him (its all he can do to try and Annoying Orange topics). I'm less inclined to do this.

Someone needs to draw the line. I'm not going to lax what I write because some guy decides to be a pain. I don't mind grating against somebody, at least it brings up interesting questions.