Author Topic: So I bought Oblivion  (Read 4193 times)

i had to lower the difficulty because my loving nord can't handle six hell spawn shooting fireballs at him, i expected nords to be hardier than this.

i had to lower the difficulty because my loving nord can't handle six hell spawn shooting fireballs at him, i expected nords to be hardier than this.
Purple khajiit all the way.

omg furey
Careful now, people consider Khajiit not furries.

You don't wan to alert the horde.

Careful now, people consider Khajiit not furries.

You don't wan to alert the horde.
i am the doverkhain, bring it on.

I havent played Oblivion in years.
I replayed it a few weeks ago, and forget, it is not the same.

I havent played Oblivion in years.
I replayed it a few weeks ago, and forget, it is not the same.
I've been spoiled by Skyrim, it's a shame the Skyrim world s so small in comparison to the other games. It would be great if they could make an elderscrolls game where all of the different countries were all made and had their own main quest, and all the quests kind of interlocked to a main objective.

I've been spoiled by Skyrim, it's a shame the Skyrim world s so small in comparison to the other games. It would be great if they could make an elderscrolls game where all of the different countries were all made and had their own main quest, and all the quests kind of interlocked to a main objective.
Im actually backing away from the TES series. Im not sure why, but the idea of having all the different regions in a single game really turns me off.

The main issue it brings to me is that when I'm playing the game I want to go to the other regions. Basically, they give me skyrim and i wany Cyrodiil, they give me Cyrodiil and I want Hamerfell, ect.

The main issue it brings to me is that when I'm playing the game I want to go to the other regions. Basically, they give me skyrim and i wany Cyrodiil, they give me Cyrodiil and I want Hamerfell, ect.
I know they're not official, but there are some really great PC mods for that.

I know they're not official, but there are some really great PC mods for that.
I think that even if i did get mods i would be dissapointed with the new areas.

confirmed for fanboy who can't handle differing opinions
aren't you one to talk.