
Should I hold a really nice edit of Iban's V2, use IT for the revival, then have a new city built for my mod in progress?

13 (86.7%)
2 (13.3%)

Total Members Voted: 15

Author Topic: Dionysus's CityRPG [joshua moon amirite]  (Read 33812 times)

Ever since back in v8 when I first found out about Blockland, I've somehow known about CityRPG. I didn't really mind it, all the drama that came along with it was immensely stupid, so I just stayed away for a while. Later on, in v14, I joined a server of Wicked's, CityRPG. It was the funnest server I had ever played, and think about it, It's the first time I had ever used Iban's v2. His, Tape's, and JJstorm's made Blockland so much funner. It was very fun, then. Now it's overused and you can't find a good server with it. Might as well not use it. Regardless, I had always looked up to Iban and Wicked as my two favorite Blocklanders. I know Iban is quite the starfish, and Wicked doesn't talk to barely anybody he doesn't know, but I've always thought they were both pretty cool. Then, one day, I googled 'Gamemode_CityRPG blockland' and Gadgethm's edit of Iban's CityRPG showed up, I was so excited because I didn't have any good mods before this. So eventually, I started hosting, my first server ever, was honestly, in my opinion, a load of stuff. The playercount however, when it reached 15, it didn't drop below it. I was amazed. I was really stupid then too, I didn't know what to make of it, thank god everyone knew how to contain themselves, because I would've made a fool out of myself if I tried then. Recently I met up with an old friend who I thought had quit Blockland for good, there's been a good bit of my friends who have quit Blockland, and I never got to stay in touch with them, like Jigalon and Hilo. Dannu is back and he says he wont quit, and I don't want to lose touch with him again. He taught me almost everything I know about playing CityRPGs, what he used to build has influenced my building skills, little at that, whenever I play CityRPGs, I'll be damned if my base isn't impenetrable. I look back to that time now and think, what if I did that again, with a new mod, and a better city? So now I'm here. Hosting CityRPG.

The mod I am making has a few good new features, plus, it's not laggy like the usual deal you have. So I plan to have a profession system similar to Iban's. Even though I have always absolutely hated the idea of 'Exp' if you will, I fear I might just have to use it. For an example on the 'Profession' system, if your profession is Laborer, you would probably start out as a Miner/Lumberjack, then make your way up to the nice wages of a Factory Worker. Another principle is labor is absolutely necessary for the city to function. Selling your ore and wood gives the City materials, and the City uses the factory to turn those materials into Bricks. You buy bricks from the City, to build a house, mansion, tower, meth lab, whatever. Pickaxes and Axes are upgradable. The higher grade of Pickaxe/Axe you have, the better ores you can mine, and thus, more money you get payed for selling your ores! We will implement farming and a system of sharecropping, but that is not necessary. If you want to pick on a black friend of yours, bring him to my server, work your way up to owning a lot and sharecrop cotton with him. There will be a myriad of more features to come as they are brought up and addressed.

I would also like everyone to know, that without this community, and my friends, this mod would go nowhere. I wouldn't have the myriad of private addons I've collected if it werent for you guys. JazZ is doing a great job helping, and a few other people are expected to join in.

+ CityRPG Born on 11/4/2012
+ Base 'skeleton' of mod assembled
+ JazZ joins the team
+ Saving system,"Anna" created
-/+ Anna temporarily replaced with Sassy 1.3
= JazZ quits only to later rejoin because he loves Dionysus
+ Labor completed by JazZ - being worked on
+ Brickpack system completed by Dionysus
+ Farming mockup made by Pacnet
- JazZ officially drops out of project
-/+ Labor system remade by Dionysus
+ Time system finished by Dionysus
- Farming mockup by Pacnet trashed

There is much more undisclosed progress, we will let you guys know later.

If you need/want to contact me about something on this project, say maybe you want to help you can PM me or contact me through steam.

« Last Edit: December 08, 2012, 04:03:08 PM by Cnaibedoge »

« Last Edit: November 08, 2012, 02:01:19 AM by Blocki »

If you can be on at 5:00 Eastern standard - US and Canada, -- at a random given day
and you would like to be a beta tester in the near future, please fill out this form and post it in a reply;

Code: [Select]
In game name:
Why you want to?:

If you don't put any effort into it, I probably wont even respond to you.

1. Dr. Zegobob
2. Ravencroft
3. Ticonderoga
4. Fel Reaver
« Last Edit: November 11, 2012, 08:57:06 PM by Cnaibedoge »

Hopefully when I join the server the map isn't a half baked piece of grid like roads and ugly terrain and there aren't handicaps running around asking for money and shooting each other. im a handicap I need to read the OP

It's pretty nice looking

In Game Name: MrLoganator111
Job: Moderator and Building
  -Moderating: Kong123's servers (SA), Airglider's ThrowMod (Moderator), snk12's Metropolis RPG (Admin)
  -Building: TheBlockingDead - Terrain
Why you wanna be part of this: I want to help make City RPGs better because they are lots of fun if they are high quality.
How much can you be on? (Be realistic): Almost every day for about an hour or 2.
« Last Edit: November 03, 2012, 06:07:24 PM by MrLoganator111 »

Hey thats me on one of those pictures getting a speeding ticket :D!!!
I love the map,so much to see,so thats why I went at speeds of OVAR 90000!!!!

In Game Name: MrLoganator111
Job: Moderator and Building
  -Moderating: Kong123's servers (SA), Airglider's ThrowMod (Moderator), snk12's Metropolis RPG (Admin)
  -Building: TheBlockingDead - Terrain
Why you wanna be part of this: I want to help make City RPGs better because they are lots of fun if they are high quality.
How much can you be on? (Be realistic): Almost every day for about an hour or 2.

I will definitely consider this.

Looks pretty cool Dion, I will play it sometime hopefully.

Ahhh, stuff. I was going to reserve that.

Either way, I use them for houses with basements, and there will be buyable mountain lots.
Should make it that the lot is on street level and when someone buys it they can chose to have a basement or not, if they want the upper lot will disappear and they have one irl day to start buildign basement

In Game Name: Spectrum

Job: Moderator

Experience*:I really don't hop around a lot on the server list and really only have admin privileges on friend's servers. You can contact Dillpickle, Tuevon (SWAT One), Alpherio, Amaya, LurBree, SirLancelot

Why you wanna be part of this: It seems like every city "roleplay" isn't actually a roleplay, more of a hoard of morons shooting each other, running around being unproductive and asking for money constantly. Admins end up abusing their privileges, and drama spawns. I really think this has a lot of potential to not be that.

How much can you be on? (Be realistic): I'm normally on late at night because I am busy in the day which is when most moderators aren't on, generally 1-3 hours a session.

In Game Name: Spectrum

Job: Moderator

Experience*:I really don't hop around a lot on the server list and really only have admin privileges on friend's servers. You can contact Dillpickle, Tuevon (SWAT One), Alpherio, Amaya, LurBree, SirLancelot

Why you wanna be part of this: It seems like every city "roleplay" isn't actually a roleplay, more of a hoard of morons shooting each other, running around being unproductive and asking for money constantly. Admins end up abusing their privileges, and drama spawns. I really think this has a lot of potential to not be that.

How much can you be on? (Be realistic): I'm normally on late at night because I am busy in the day which is when most moderators aren't on, generally 1-3 hours a session.

In Game Name: MrLoganator111
Job: Moderator and Building
  -Moderating: Kong123's servers (SA), Airglider's ThrowMod (Moderator), snk12's Metropolis RPG (Admin)
  -Building: TheBlockingDead - Terrain
Why you wanna be part of this: I want to help make City RPGs better because they are lots of fun if they are high quality.
How much can you be on? (Be realistic): Almost every day for about an hour or 2.

You two have my respect, so I'll go ahead and accept these.

I'm normally on late at night
You should add timezones to the app format, or you can't use those statements at all

You should add timezones to the app format, or you can't use those statements at all
I'm in pacific timezone

Thank you! You won't regret it!

Also, im Central Timezone