Author Topic: General Programming Megathread - New OP  (Read 20012 times)

line wrapping is ugly tho :c

or.. you could wrap lines
oh GOD line wrap annoys me when programming

i hate it when lines continue onto the next one unless it's intentionally done for organization of really long conditions or such, and even then it can look strange

oh GOD line wrap annoys me when programming

i hate it when lines continue onto the next one unless it's intentionally done for organization of really long conditions or such, and even then it can look strange
I don't like it either, but apparently kingdaro has a special interest for ridiculously short lines.

Good day, gents, so I've made my Sublime Text look infinitely better using this fine man's hard work.

Has a light version too. (yeah, this is paramount to advertising, but it looks so much better)



I don't like it either, but apparently kingdaro has a special interest for ridiculously short lines.
that's not ridiculously short

a line should never span over 100 characters, even 70 is pushing it

I was trying to make nice circles/spirals manually using just x, y, and a radius, without any prior knowledge, but it's hard without having done trig or calc. I'm barely coherent enough to solve for y by x anyway, so that doesn't help. However, I'm getting irregularities that I can't explain. I'll post a picture in the morning.

So, I bought a dedicated server for awesome developments. Clockturn, since you're in centhra, contact me for your free VPS information. It has WAY more resources than I need but it was a loving immense upgrade from the two VPSes I was using; something around 50x the resources for $30 more a month. Ironically, it's the same exact dedicated server package from the same company Lub is using for his hosting, but I'm running Linux on mine. I'm hype.

So overkill haha.
It's massive overkill, but I was paying $50 for two linodes that had combined specs of: 1.25GB RAM, 50GB HDD space, 500GB bandwith and a 100mbit port. For $80/m: 16GB RAM, 1TB HDD space, 5TB bandwith, and a 100mbit port. It's just one of those things where you feel stupid for not paying the extra $30 a month, which is chump change anyway.

The only part that could be sweeter is if I had a pool of IPv4 or IPv6 addresses.
« Last Edit: November 21, 2012, 01:17:19 AM by Trinick »

It's massive overkill, but I was paying $50 for two linodes that had combined specs of: 1.25GB RAM, 50GB HDD space, 500GB bandwith and a 100mbit port. For $80/m: 16GB RAM, 1TB HDD space, 5TB bandwith, and a 100mbit port. It's just one of those things where you feel stupid for not paying the extra $30 a month, which is chump change anyway.

The only part that could be sweeter is if I had a pool of IPv4 or IPv6 addresses.
You get the 100mb port out of them? Champ.

Good day, gents, so I've made my Sublime Text look infinitely better using this fine man's hard work.


Has a light version too. (yeah, this is paramount to advertising, but it looks so much better)
I remember using that before, but there was some issue that I can't remember now that forced me to stop using it.

oh GOD line wrap annoys me when programming

i hate it when lines continue onto the next one unless it's intentionally done for organization of really long conditions or such, and even then it can look strange
Code: [Select]
    Dim AtomicNames() As String = { _
        "Hydrogen", "Helium", _
        "Lithium", "Beryllium", "Boron", "Carbon", "Nitrogen", "Oxygen", "Fluorine", "Neon", _
        "Sodium", "Magnesium", "Aluminum", "Silicon", "Phosphorus", "Sulfur", "Chlorine", "Argon", _
        "Potassium", "Calcium", "Scandium", "Titanium", "Vanadium", "Chromium", "Manganese", "Iron", "Cobalt", "Nickel", "Copper", "Zinc", "Gallium", "Germanium", "Arsenic", "Selenium", "Bromine", "Krypton", _
        "Rubidium", "Strontium", "Yttrium", "Zirconium", "Niobium", "Molybdenium", "Technetium", "Ruthenium", "Rhodium", "Palladium", "Silver", "Cadmium", "Indium", "Tin", "Antimony", "Tellurium", "Iodine", "Xenon", _
        "Caesium", "Barium", "Lanthanum", _
        "Cerium", "Praseodymium", "Neodymium", "Promethium", "Samarium", "Europium", "Gadolinium", "Terbium", "Dysprosium", "Holmium", "Erbium", "Thulium", "Ytterbium", "Lutetium", _
        "Hafnium", "Tantalum", "Tungsten", "Rhenium", "Osmium", "Iridium", "Platinum", "Gold", "Mercury", "Thallium", "Lead", "Bismuth", "Polonium", "Astatine", "Radon", _
        "Francium", "Radium", "Actinium", _
        "Thorium", "Protactinum", "Uranium", "Neptunium", "Plutonium", "Americium", "Curium", "Berkelium", "Californium", "Einsteinium", "Fermium", "Mendelevium", "Nobelium", "Lawrencium", _
        "Rutherfordium", "Dubnium", "Seaborgium", "Bohrium", "Hassium", "Meitnerium", "Ununnilium", "Unununium", "Ununbium", "Ununtrium", "Ununquadrum", "Ununpentium", "Ununhexium", "Ununseptium", "Ununoctium", _
        "Ununnennium" _

this is actually organized a certain way
you'll never guess C:

Here is one of my attempts at a spiral. Note the horizontal line where everything dies.

Guess who just compiled a new version of Irssi in PUTTY?

<----- This guys.