Author Topic: The anti-drama topic  (Read 31847 times)

You're pretty cool, Bubba, even Nicolas Cage says so

and freek is over here

bubbagum is very nice to spiders and is really cool.  She talks to me on skype and stuff which is fun.

I think she and shygriff will make wonderful parents

I'm not scary, and Elecro's thirteen.

I like everyone on this page!

I may or may not be giving out PMs to random people using Pick-up lines I got off a website.

bubbagum is very nice to spiders and is really cool.  She talks to me on skype and stuff which is fun.

I think she and shygriff will make wonderful parents
you mean like

the spider was very cute but my mom just opened the door and thats where I put him so im afraid he'll come back in. ugh

You're pretty cool, Bubba, even Nicolas Cage says so
Do you really mean that.

Bubba is a cool person, I don't find her crazy or weird.
Wynd has been helpful to me and he is smart.
Freek is a cool guy.
Rockslide is a awesome guy to talk to.
Banished is awesome.
Everyone that doesn't have a problem with me and I don't have a problem with them is cool in my opinion.

freek is cool and likes game grumps
idk if hes gay I guess the world will never know idk :(

you can believe anything you want babe ;)

Pacha is nice but sometimes hes mean I dont get it but he is cute looking and I wish we were friends in real life
wow thanks c:

sorry that im mean sometimes, i try not to be ;-;

Do you really mean that.
Yes he told me once

Also Alyx, you're pretty cool to talk to, and you're a good guy in my opinion c:

And Freek, your avatar somehow amuses me to no end and you do make me laugh quite a bit, congrats c: