Author Topic: The anti-drama topic  (Read 31862 times)

I think it would be fun to start a thread dedicated to saying good things about one another.

Like, we did this thing at school where everyone put a piece of paper on their back and walked around writing things that you liked about the other person on their paper.

I got a lot of "Like the afro" and "Has bushy hair" but otherwise I got stuff like "Nice to everyone" and "Cool"

I think it'd really bring up some self-concepts.

Guys, I really think we should do this.

Post cool stuff about people you like! And please no trolling, this is a serious thread.
« Last Edit: November 24, 2012, 11:10:25 PM by hodototman »

hodototman is hte best at creating threads

im pretty sure everyone is just going to troll

im pretty sure everyone is just going to troll

Shygriff is the best at loving doges

hodototman is hte best at creating threads


Sorry I make so many threads

but i get a lot of opinions so

I like opinions.

I really like the OP's afro

im pretty sure everyone is just going to troll

You are very good at attempting to understand sociology.

Guys, I really think we should do this.

Post cool stuff about people you like! And please no trolling, this is a serious thread.

You have a really good heart.

man that school thing is bullstuff, when we did that in my school all I got was "You have pretty handwriting" over and over again

I really like the OP's afro
You are really good at making me mistake you for Squideey.

man that school thing is bullstuff, when we did that in my school all I got was "You have pretty handwriting" over and over again

You are really good at trying to protect your emotions :)'s meant to utilize the law of averages. Every once in a while you'll get a compliment that sticks in your brain.

You have a really good heart.

Aw, thanks.

I personally think you're one of the nicer people on here, too. I'd hang out with you, at least.

Sunny is great at talking about genitals without sounding wierd :)

You are really good at trying to protect your emotions :)'s meant to utilize the law of averages. Every once in a while you'll get a compliment that sticks in your brain.
Yup that "I really like the way you write your B's" really stuck in my brain mannnnn

man that school thing is bullstuff, when we did that in my school all I got was "You have pretty handwriting" over and over again
ur rly sxe