Author Topic: First Hurricane Sandy, now a snowstorm?  (Read 1200 times)

it was snowing yesterday a bit, but it melted when it hit the ground
hopefully itll actually snow and not melt sometime soon, snow is neat

it was snowing yesterday a bit, but it melted when it hit the ground
hopefully itll actually snow and not melt sometime soon, snow is neat

it's sticking where i am.

Hopefully some of the snow passes to where i live! Last year the weather was strange and we didnt have much.

We got like 3 maybe 4 inches of snow, not a lot, but certainly quite a bit considering this came out of nowhere

one year there was like 5 feet of snow by the mailbox
it was weird

my best friend is in New York

I'm gonna cry

nothing interesting ever happens on the other side of the planet :c

nothing interesting ever happens on the other side of the planet :c

Yeah, nothing ever happens in...uh...

Quote from: Cybertails1998's profile

Guys, I am really scared. Hurricane sandy now Nor' Eastern Athena?