Author Topic: periods make a sentence more serious  (Read 1577 times)

my sentences are so manly they dont have periods

You need to capitalize the first letter, too...and all your "I"s...and finish being grammatically correct in order for me to take you seriously.

when someone says no im usually like ok whatever
but when they're like No. i'm like oh stuff what did i do

but you do have them!

lol girls are gross

ITT: Chronic neglect of capital letters.
« Last Edit: November 08, 2012, 10:20:54 AM by Demian »

Exclamation points would be more serious if the usage of them was not mocked on the internet!

Exclamation points would be more serious if the usage of them was not mocked on the internet!

Why do they always put exclamation marks at the end of every sentence in comics?
Maybe the reason is actually that periods do make it look too serious and that exclamation marks look better?

On the internet, any sentence you have can be made less serious by adding an exclamation mark at the end of it!
Even if you are totally serious, it makes people take it less seriously for some reason. Periods change that though.

Question marks are also interesting. If you are generally curious about something, then you add a question mark. If you don't understand a thing someone just posted, it usually lacks a question mark. That's also the proper way, in my opinion, to use "wat" instead.

Oh internet grammar

not to mention that it's the right way to do it?


Speaking a sentence in a british accent makes them sound more serious.
Damn I wish I was british.

On the internet, any sentence you have can be made less serious by adding an exclamation mark at the end of it!
Even if you are totally serious, it makes people take it less seriously for some reason. Periods change that though.

Question marks are also interesting. If you are generally curious about something, then you add a question mark. If you don't understand a thing someone just posted, it usually lacks a question mark. That's also the proper way, in my opinion, to use "wat" instead.

Oh internet grammar

Even though it wasn't your intention....this is truly poetic.