Author Topic: Suggest Action Rpg's (Now attracting handicaps apparently)  (Read 13909 times)

oh no FTL is a total genre buster

it's like an action-strategy game or RTS with RPG elements

probably not what he's asking for
steam lists it as "strategy, indie, simulation"
seems about right

90 average i take high-level courses.

no mental illness.

no physical illness.

aaccoridng to bushido, FTL is an action rpg
Aren't you like 12

are you implying that it's possible to be illegitimately mentally handicapped?

If its possible, you would be the one to find a way.

@SpitFir3   IQ means nothing, just saying. Besides, you wouldn't say stuff in person. You seem like one of those kids who act tough online but get bullied offline.

@Bushido, that's funny, the developers don't even market it as an RPG at all. GG

don't market what as an RPG

don't market what as an RPG
FTL The game you supposedly claimed was an ARPG according to someone earlier.

They still market it as a "Space flight simulation roguelike". That is pretty far from what you claimed it was.

Kheyre is cool cuz he yells at everyone and doesn't take advice from other people and insults other people's mental state to make himself feel better.


[semi-witty, horribly executed mass reply]

surely you can't reply anything greater than this...

FTL The game you supposedly claimed was an ARPG according to someone earlier.
i just said it wasn't

proved me wrong, you did

it's a game where you manipulate characters to keep a ship running in real time with RPG elements

it IS a simulation game but it's gameplay FALLS UNDER strategy RPG

i mean, gran turismo IS a simulation but it's a DRIVING simulator so it still plays like a racer

also everyone calm your stuff oh my god

neither party is helping the situation at all

Jairo and SpitFir3, otherwise known as the Dubious Duo now own this topic. Obey us.

Jairo and SpitFir3, otherwise known as the Dubious Duo now own this topic. Obey us.
you're a loving handicap

you just commandeered a request topic


you're being as childish as he is


Grouping up with your friend friend to hijack a thread? God damn you must have a pathetic life if that's how you spend your time.