Sounds that Piss You Off

Author Topic: Sounds that Piss You Off  (Read 2911 times)

the giggling of girls who have no reason the laugh but they're looking in your direction

I like the sound of quick, perfect typing. It sounds like skill IMO.

4 cylinder cars with fart cans.
people blasting rap so loud that it makes my car shake - twenty feet away.
people with open microphones in teamspeak or especially on xbox live.

Misophonia. It's a condition where every little noise annoys the absolute forget out of you. I believe I have this, because every little noise annoys the absolute forget out of me. I don't mean, "Wow, that sound ticks me off..." I mean "OH MY GOD I WILL DESTROY ALL THAT YOU LOVE IF YOU DON'T STOP MAKING THAT NOISE."

Here are some sounds that annoy the absolute forget out of me (no prejudices intended).
   Note: this is assuming I am awake. If I am trying to sleep, then every noise that exists annoys me to a fury.

Purple signifies forumer contribution.

1)   People chewing
2)   Persistent scratching
3)   Snoring
4)   People whistling out their nose when they sleep
5)   Heavy breathing
6)   ANYTHING that comes out of a baby
7)   Muffled voices or bass kicks  coming from a faraway room
8)   Jocks screaming “OOOOOOOOOH” because something cool happened on Xbox Live
9)   Asian languages
10)   High heels on the floor above me
11)   Dripping faucets
12)  Chalk/chalkboards
13)  The underdeveloped voices of children
14) "YOU'LL MAKE A FINE RUG, CAT!"  (I swear I'm not joking I kill bandits especially hard when they exclaim this)
15) Microphone feedback
16) Young girls screaming with delight
17) "Like" or "um" after every word
18) The terrifying shriek of your speakers when they're only plugged in half way
19) The sound Windows makes when it encounters an error :C :C :C

What sounds annoy the absolute forget out of you?


snorting noises
as in someone has a nasally congested nose and stuff and they take a big wiff and it makes the most disgusting sound ever forget

4 cylinder cars with fart cans.
people blasting rap so loud that it makes my car shake - twenty feet away.
I don't like whistling either

Finger nail biting.
it makes me want to slaughter people.

the sound of unworn leather rubbing against itself

Our dishwasher makes this really annoying water-squeaky noise.
My sister also thinks she's a great singer. She's not.

This gives the chills to me:

Long nails, going down a chalkboard.


When people bite their fork
