
chat of the day

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Author Topic: Chatous.com. it's like omegle, but it's not. now with screen names v1  (Read 79518 times)

someone just sent me a picture again, wtf is thiss

Connected to Stranger (Ankara, Turkey)
SnoopDawg: h
SnoopDawg: b
SnoopDawg: f
SnoopDawg: u
SnoopDawg: c
SnoopDawg: k
SnoopDawg: y
SnoopDawg: o
SnoopDawg: u
SnoopDawg: b
SnoopDawg: i
SnoopDawg: t
SnoopDawg: c
SnoopDawg: h
SnoopDawg: b
SnoopDawg: y
SnoopDawg: e
You disconnected.
people from turkey must be way to hungry to talk

Connected to Stranger (Ankara, Turkey)
granps: aloha
granps: compachio?
granps: comphachio???
granps: aye carumba
You disconnected.

Connected to null (Austin, United States)
null: hi
badspot: hi im badspot
null disconnected.

Connected to cambo (Pompano Beach, United States)
cambo: m15
badspot: hi im badspot
cambo: hi
badspot: m/41/us
cambo disconnected.

Connected to f18!
f18 disconnected.

Connected to Stranger (Mumbai, India)
Stranger disconnected.

Connected to Stranger (Seymour, United States)
Stranger disconnected.

Connected to haylie2255 (, United States)
haylie2255 disconnected.

Connected to Sherlock (Formby, United Kingdom)
Sherlock disconnected.

nobody likes badspot :'(
« Last Edit: November 17, 2012, 08:35:35 PM by Fireboy »

Connected to irishforget!
irishforget: balls to the walls brother
You: hey
irishforget: hi
You: that phrase
irishforget: yes
You: where did you get that
irishforget: blockland forum
You: are you a blocklander
irishforget: yes
You: is your mother home? were selling CHOCOLATE
irishforget: yes
irishforget: she
irishforget: is
You: so
You: how is your day
irishforget: go
irishforget disconnected.

Connected to Blockland!
Blockland disconnected.
also this
« Last Edit: November 17, 2012, 08:41:19 PM by xbox 360 fan »

Moo: Hi
Cartman: hey
Cartman: asl?
Moo: 2
Moo: no jk im 5
Moo: I like to sound younger online

You: balls to tha wall niga
CaliLivin: lol sup
You: hi
CaliLivin: asl?
You: jkh?
CaliLivin: age?
You: What
You: I don't understand
You: what are you asking?
CaliLivin: lol im asking you whats your age love and location?
You: age love?
You: not sure what that is
CaliLivin: lol forget it
You: forget what
CaliLivin disconnected.

Connected to Hi!
Hi disconnected.

Connected to sweetheart!
You: how sweet is your heart
You: what does it taste like
You: chocolate?
sweetheart: um i dont know i dont eat hearts
You: but
You: your name is sweetheart
You: why would you name yourself that
You: if your heart wasn't sweet
You: I don't understand
sweetheart: that means im sweet like sweettarts :)
You: but
You: sweettarts are tart
You: as well
You: wtf
You: you're confusing me!
sweetheart: they r filled with sugar and sugar is sweet so there for i will use sweet tarts as an example
You: you are filled with sugar?
You: wtf
sweetheart: im sweet as in nice ok?
sweetheart: ?????????
sweetheart: how old r u
sweetheart: r u m or f
sweetheart disconnected.

Connected to biboi (Taunton, United States)
biboi: Hey, asl? :)
You: my name is not asl
biboi disconnected.

Connected to Duztn (Charlottesville, United States)
Duztn: m
You: g
You: l
Duztn: ?
You: r
You: !
Duztn: ??
You: **
Duztn: ???
You: [][]
Duztn: ????
You: \\\\
Duztn disconnected.
« Last Edit: November 17, 2012, 09:57:04 PM by Electrk² »

Connected to hornyboy!
asian: hi friend
hornyboy: hi
asian: i c ur horny :))))
hornyboy: female??
asian: ya
asian: u like asians?!!
hornyboy: ohh yes
hornyboy: age?
asian: 72
hornyboy: u on skype?
asian: ya
asian: i got dem sagy tits u wan c boi?!
hornyboy: wats ur name on it so we can love cam
asian: not now srry my dog is eating my leg
asian: :(
asian: ima just go cook it
asian: and eet it
asian: uknow
hornyboy disconnected.
im "asian" lol.

Connected to Devon!
Devon: hi
Devon: asl?
You: ih
You: wtf
You: why do people keep asking me that
You: my name
You: is not asl
Devon: Well I really just wanna know your love and age lol
You: Well I don't know you
You: so why would I tell you that?
Devon: Cause your cool like that duhh
You: my cool?
You: I don't get it
Devon: .-.
Devon: Your difficult :p
You: my difficult :p ?
You: WTF?!?!!!!
Devon: forget.
Devon: I hate you
You: :( why?
You: I did nothing to you
You: I just do not understand
You: Why are you so rude?
Devon: Im trying not to be ! lol
You: *I'm
Devon: just answer the question
You: What question?
Devon: Are you a boy.
Devon: or girl.
You: that wasn't a question
You: questions have question marks at the end of them
Devon: forget this.
Devon disconnected.

cigarette: r
cigarette: u
cigarette: g
cigarette: a
cigarette: y
cigarette: ?
Stranger: no...
cigarette: d
cigarette: a
cigarette: m
cigarette: n
cigarette: i
cigarette: t
Stranger: haha
Stranger: friend
cigarette: w
cigarette: t
cigarette: f
cigarette: f
cigarette: a
cigarette: g
cigarette: t
cigarette: u
cigarette: r
cigarette: j
cigarette: u
cigarette: s
cigarette: t
cigarette: l
cigarette: i
cigarette: k
cigarette: e
cigarette: t
cigarette: h
cigarette: e
cigarette: r
cigarette: e
cigarette: s
cigarette: t
cigarette: f
cigarette: a
cigarette: a
cigarette: a
cigarette: a
cigarette: g
cigarette: g
cigarette: g
cigarette: g
Stranger: actually im a female high schooler
cigarette: ok forget me pls
Stranger: thank you very much
cigarette: :D
cigarette: i love you
cigarette: bby pls
Stranger: ok...?
cigarette: cnai stick it in the pooper?
Stranger: uh no
cigarette: why not wtf
cigarette: im a girl too
cigarette: totally
cigarette: i do not hae anything to stick in the pooper
cigarette: except my nose
cigarette: or
cigarette: my
cigarette: kidney
Stranger: ???
cigarette: pls
cigarette: kidney love?
cigarette: or do you prefer liver love
Stranger: ur a creep
cigarette: what?
cigarette: wats a crep?
cigarette: u mean a crepe?
cigarette: i love creped
cigarette: crepes
Stranger: ok lets lovetxt
Stranger: k?
cigarette: yay
cigarette: kidney or liver
Stranger: omg neither
You disconnected.
oh my god i love being a child enthusiast

Connected to Pizzaz!
Epicduke: Hi
Pizzaz: hi
Epicduke: ........
Pizzaz: .......
Epicduke: ZZZZZZzzzZZZZZz
Pizzaz: ahhhhh
Pizzaz: Are you not entertained!!!!!?!?!?!
Epicduke: Its hote in here with my doge
Pizzaz: so, you're pretty close with your dog
Epicduke: yes
Epicduke: OW
Epicduke: HE BITE ME
Epicduke: I"M DYING
Epicduke: HELP
Epicduke: sadfgghW%WERSDF
Epicduke: dhtr5y3,wedfxt4bd
Epicduke: gdt3r
You disconnected.

Stranger: m
Dieplease: I'm going to rape you
Dieplease: While you are dead
Dieplease: So you won't move
Dieplease: When I come inside your cold body
Dieplease: And then
Dieplease: I'll take your testicals and make a lamp shade out of them
Stranger: ok
Stranger disconnected.

Connected to 23fCNclean!
You: wait a minute
23fCNclean: ok
You: i meant that as in
You: Did you put "23f" in your name to shut people up
You: Instead of asking you 'asl'?
23fCNclean: yes
23fCNclean: :D
23fCNclean: 23, f, CN, want clean chat... all clear
23fCNclean: :D
You: wait what
You: What's that mean? You don't show people your tits?
23fCNclean: ...........why should i?
You: Why not lol, you don't have to show your face, so noone can tell who it is.
23fCNclean: hahahha
23fCNclean: then, why should i?
You: Because it's fun?
23fCNclean: it is not fun for me:)
23fCNclean: i don't have duties to make others feel funny :D
You: Feel funny? That's a strange thing to call it, but anyway
You: I think you're just afraid people won't like what they see :)
23fCNclean: lol
23fCNclean: trust me
23fCNclean: all guys here are horny as in hell
You: I know right!
23fCNclean: they like all they see...
You: You go on chatroulette and all you see is richards!
You: Like seriously, every other guy is fapping.
23fCNclean: hahah
You: Here the worst you get is indians? You notice that?
You: Most of the people here are from southwest asia.
23fCNclean: because good men have no time coming here.
23fCNclean: well, u shoud say indian, not southwest asia
You: Good men? Oh yeah, I'm sure there's men out there that are probably improving socicity or something great right now
You: But it's not like I don't have a girlfriend.
You: I bet you have a great man, right?
23fCNclean: no. i am single
23fCNclean: but i just want to have nice chat
23fCNclean: not funny love
You: Don't get me wrong I understand you.
23fCNclean: thank u.
You: But it's not like a decent man can't surf the internet.
You: Some of us are just a bit more... stright forward.
23fCNclean: :)
23fCNclean: how old are u?
You: just 18
You: so yeah
23fCNclean: what do u want to talk about?
You: I'm not sure. You don't seem like the type that plays video games.
You: So how about music
23fCNclean: haa
23fCNclean: what kind of person do u think i am?
You: Well obviously I don't have a great idea
23fCNclean: hahah
You: What kind of person ARE you?
23fCNclean: well
23fCNclean: i cannot judge myself
23fCNclean: i have thoudsand characters
You: Wait what?
You: I'd have a bit of trouble judging myself too, but I mean, what are your intrests?
23fCNclean: everything is ok for me if i want
23fCNclean: if not, everything is unacceptable
You: Hey, since it didn't show your location, I gotta ask, what country you live in.
23fCNclean: lol
23fCNclean: CN
23fCNclean: U didn't see that?
You: Nöp, it didn't show.
23fCNclean: age 23, love f, location CN...
You: canada
You: Yup
23fCNclean: HAHAH
23fCNclean: who said CN is canada?
You: ähm, I don't know
You: Cincinatti?
You: Central Nepal?
23fCNclean: ok, u just keep gussing
23fCNclean: if u get it
23fCNclean: i will say yes
23fCNclean: :D
You: There's this thing called the internet
You: I might be able to use that!
23fCNclean: u can search too:D
23fCNclean: hahah
You: I got it!
You: Cartoon network!
23fCNclean: what?
23fCNclean: haah
23fCNclean: nice
You: Wait stuff
You: Is it china?
23fCNclean: u say dirty words to my country???
You: Uh no
23fCNclean: ok, then byebye
You: wait what
You: I don't think you can english very well.
23fCNclean: my english is poor?
You: If you thought I was insulting you
You: I mean that's kinda why I was asking where you lived, I thought english might not be your first language.
23fCNclean: hmm, if dirty words are a standard... even i am talking with chinese, they will say i am not chinese
23fCNclean: i never said dirty words in my life
You: Well chinesse 'dirty words' dont count
You: I mean who's gonna get offened from 'ching chang wing wong'
23fCNclean: what is ching chang wing wong?
You: It's the phrase used in the presidential inauguation.
You: (excuse my spelling)
You: I think it means "to serve ones country under god" in latin or something
23fCNclean: ok.... although i cannot get ur point
You: It's alright, they probably don't allow you guys to watch american polotics.
You: Too much freedom, might give the peasants ideas....
23fCNclean: hahahha
23fCNclean: hahah
23fCNclean: are u sure u know about china?
You: Yeah, of course I do. I read a book written by an ACTUAL asian.
You: Well, half asian.
23fCNclean: ..................
23fCNclean: lol
23fCNclean: hahah
23fCNclean: ok, one book china...
You: Well to be honest it was a math textbook.
You: You guys are good at math, right?
23fCNclean: yeap
You: Alright, what's 5+5
23fCNclean: ahahha
You: >hasnt awnsered yet
You: >probably doesnt know awnser
23fCNclean: yeap
23fCNclean: i don't know
23fCNclean: i am too stupid for that question:D
You: Dam, makes sense though
You: China is one of the least educated countries in the world
23fCNclean: bye. don't talk about things that u don't know, and with bias, which only shows u are stupid.
23fCNclean disconnected.

I wish CN actually was canada.
Then I could have had an intellegent conversation.

Connected to KynzieD!
KynzieD: hey
You: Hi.
KynzieD: asl
You: 98 m aus
KynzieD disconnected.

I told her.  :cookieMonster:

Another site to show my genitals on, awesome!