Author Topic: Star Wars: The Old Republic - Now F2P  (Read 2724 times)

Star Wars: The Old Republic, abbreviated as TOR or SWTOR, is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game based in the Star Wars universe. It is developed by BioWare Austin and a supplemental team at BioWare Edmonton, the game was first announced on October 21, 2008, at an invitation-only press event. The video game was released for Microsoft Windows platform on December 20, 2011 in North America and Europe. SWTOR went "Free to Play" on November 15th, 2012.
At a cost rumored to be over $135 million, The Old Republic is one of the most expensive games ever created.

Players will join as members of either of the two main factions – the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire  Although each faction is led by a benevolent or malevolent leader, it is emphasized that an individual member may possess a morality at any point along the light/dark spectrum. The project's key focus is to differentiate between the player's faction and morality. For instance, a member with ties to the Galactic Republic may belong to the Dark Side while attempting to achieve their own ends, which may be misaligned or dissimilar from the Republic's vision.
While each class in The Old Republic will still favour a certain play style (be it ranged, melee, or otherwise), customization combined with companion characters will make for having a class be able to tackle many different situations, with or without the support of other player characters, and without requiring specific other classes in order to move forward.
Players' choices will permanently open or close storylines and affect players' non-player character (NPC) companions. It is intended that the game should provide more context for characters' missions than any previous MMORPG. Every character in the game, including the player character, will feature full voice dialog to enhance gameplay, and interactions will feature a dialogue system similar to that used in the Mass Effect series. Players will be able to choose from a variety of NPCs, although spending time with a single companion will help more in developing story and content than dividing time among several, and may even develop a love interest. It is possible for players to "blow it big time" if they fail to meet NPCs' expectations. Players will also have access to dozens of planets, including Korriban, Ord Mantell, Nal Hutta, Tython, Coruscant, Balmorra, Alderaan, Tatooine, Dromund Kaas, Taris, Belsavis, Voss, Hoth, Corellia, Ilum and Quesh, and the moon Nar Shaddaa. Every player will receive their own starship, which was announced at Electronic Entertainment Expo 2010.
Footage of space combat was released at Gamescom. The short clip provided by BioWare revealed that space combat would be a "tunnel shooter." A tunnel shooter, otherwise known as a scrolling shooter, is a flying game where the player is on a predetermined track. Game play includes moving right and left on the X axis and up and down on the Y axis; however, players won't have control of the speed of their space craft. Jake Neri, LucasArts Producer, told PC Gamer in their upcoming October 2010 issue that their goal is to "capture the most cinematic moments that we can create. We want players to get in and feel like they're in the movies. It's about highly cinematic, controlled combat moments ... very heroic, action-packed, exciting, visceral and dangerous encounters that'll make you pee your pants."

The Galactic Republic

The Galactic Republic, ruled from its capital city-world of Coruscant, has been the dominant galactic government for thousands of years. The Republic, led by a Supreme Chancellor, has a democratic government that has been able to sustain itself for over twenty-five thousand years. It is said that its complete history would "fill a thousand libraries". Currently, after the Treaty of Coruscant, it is involved in a Cold War with the reborn Sith Empire.

The Sith Empire

The current Sith Empire was formed from the remnants of the First Sith Empire. This new Empire, also known as the True Sith sect, was created after Naga Sadow's disastrous campaign against the Galactic Republic. The survivors fled known space to escape persecution by the Republic and its Jedi Order. After their departure from the original Empire's territory, the Sith discovered the forgotten world of Dromund Kaas and settled it to begin the process of rebuilding. Since the Treaty of Coruscant, the Empire has been involved in a Cold War with the weakened Galactic Republic.

Galactic Republic
Jedi Consular

Jedi Consulars and Jedi Knights start the game on Tython. Consulars are trained more heavily in the arts of the Force than in combat. Driven by curiosity and the search for knowledge, they see that through the Force, all things are connected.
Advanced Classes:
  • Jedi Sage - The Jedi Sage wields a single-bladed lightsaber, has powerful telekinetics/healing, and is a ranged controller with damage or healing powers.
  • Jedi Shadow - The Jedi Shadow wields a double-bladed lightsaber, possesses stealth skills, and burst melee damage abilities. They can also tank.

Jedi Knight

The Jedi Knight is the more combat-ready class, compared to the Consular, always leading the charge against the Sith Empire. The class focus is on lightsaber use and combat tactics, using the Force mostly to accent their melee skills.
Advanced Classes:
  • Jedi Sentinel - Sentinels are able to use two lightsabers to swiftly take care of any enemy that comes in their way. The focus this takes is immense and Sentinels do it with style. Sentinels perfect in physical combat and they are able to adjust to any physical situation using the Force and their knowledge of lightsaber fighting.
  • Jedi Guardian - Rather than Sentinels who like to perfect combat, Guardians like to wear heavy armor to defend themselves from any enemy attack. The use of the Force allows them to move quickly despite this. Guardians are the perfect Tanks as they can also taunt any enemies that may be attacking their teammates.


Smugglers don't just have skill, they also have luck. Most Smugglers shoot first. They get by in the galaxy by being sneaky and knowing all the back entrances. Should the price be right, the Smuggler will take on any cargo, illegal or otherwise.
Advanced Classes:
  • Gunslinger - The Gunslinger focuses on ranged combat using dual pistols. The Saboteur skill tree teaches the Gunslinger the usage of explosives and advanced tech, where the Sharpshooter skill tree focuses on precise, high-damage ranged attacks. The shared skill tree Dirty Fighting focuses on using all sorts of dirty tricks to defeat the enemy.
  • Scoundrel - The Scoundrel focuses on close- to medium-ranged combat, as well as healing. The Scoundrel can specialize into either Sawbones which focuses on healing or Scrapper which emphasizes stealth and using the scatter gun. The skill tree Dirty Fighting is shared with the Gunslinger and focuses on using all sorts of dirty tricks to defeat the enemy.


The Trooper uses heavy weapons ranging from rifles to two-handed cannons. The Trooper's energy resource is called Ammo. This resource regenerates over time at a rate of about 1 ammo marker every 2-3 seconds, although the Trooper has abilities to quickly regenerate ammo when needed.
Advanced Classes:
  • Commando - Commando Troopers are the warriors of the battlefield and focus more on offense than defense, using brute force to overwhelm enemies. Commandos are able to take out a vast number of enemies with heavy concussive blasts from their Blaster Cannons.
  • Vanguard - Vanguards go out on the battlefield with heavy armor, able to charge through extreme blaster fire and hostile environments. Their defensive tactics enable very high survivability.

The Sith Empire
Sith Inquisitor

Where the Warrior focuses on combat and Lightsaber techniques, Inquisitors spend their time learning Dark side philosophy and increasing their skills with the Force. Their use of Force Lightning, for example, appears to be farSith Inquisitor using Force Lightning.
more powerful than the Sith Warriors. However, Inquisitors can be deadly in hand-to-hand combat, preferring the option of speed to evade enemy attacks until the time is right to strike.
Advanced Classes:
  • Assassin - Assassins use a double-bladed lightsaber in the battlefield; this could indicate the amount of focus and concentration hidden within the Assassin. This isn't very unusual, as Assassins focus on deception to eliminate their foes; striking from the shadows. Assassins also specialize in defensive techniques through darkness that help them survive in battle. This may even enable them to be tanks in a party.
  • Sorcerer - Sorcerers use a single-bladed lightsaber in battle: a fine weapon that allows them to defend themselves and their teammates...if they ever need to use it. Sorcerers specialize heavily in the Dark Side of the Force, so much so that they are able to use powerful Force Lightning from afar. In addition, they are able to heal themselves and their party---a valuable character in any situation.

Sith Warrior

The Sith Warrior is one of two Force-sensitive, Imperial classes. Unlike the Sith Inquisitor, the Sith Warrior is known to focus more on melee combat and Lightsaber skills. The Sith use the Dark Side of the Force and fight against their rivals, the Jedi and the Republic.
Advanced Classes:
  • Juggernaut - Sith Juggernauts are Sith specialized in combat endurance and were known for wearing armor that provided them special protection in battle. Sith Juggernauts were known to primarily wield one lightsaber in combat, and were frequently adept at using the Force to cause terror and despair in enemy combatants.
  • Marauder - Sith Marauders are Sith Warriors who fought for the Sith Empire during the Great Galactic War and the Cold War that followed it circa 3,653 BBY. They specialized in dual lightsabers and dealing high amounts of damage to enemies in melee combat. Marauders specialize in destroying their enemy; within and without. They are also able to use Stealth.

Imperial Agent

Imperial Agents pose a threat from both close range and afar. For example, they can use skills such as the Shiv ability to eliminate their targets by hand. In contrast, Agents also have the ability to call in Orbital Bombardment strikes: attacks from orbiting vessels that do significant damage in an area.
Advanced Classes:
  • Operative - Operatives specialize heavily in stealth and concealment. They can hide their presence on the battlefield, position themselves for attack, and strike without the enemy even knowing they were there. A second specialization in medical technologies allows them to heal their allies. An Operative could make an extremely useful teammate to have on the field.
  • Sniper - Snipers focus on long-range battle tactics, using powerful rifles to eliminate targets from great distances. In addition to their Marksmanship ability, they are also able to use probes and droids to investigate and eliminate targets. Snipers are the recon units of the Empire.

Bounty Hunter

The Bounty Hunter class focuses on tracking down and, typically, assassinating people for credits. It is one of the classes aligned with the Sith Empire that is not Force-sensitive.
Advanced Classes:
  • Powertech - Powertechs rely heavily on defense and advanced technology. They are able to use high-powered flame throwers to incinerate their enemies, whilst taking in tons of damage. This makes them a perfect tank in a team.
  • Mercenary - Mercenaries rely on taking down enemies from afar in a quick and efficient manner. Mercenaries are able to use rockets to heavily damage their enemies from great distances. Along with this, Mercenaries have the unique ability to heal their teammates.

A starship is a vessel designed for interstellar travel, specifically between star systems. Not only can a player ship be used for transportation and as a place to stay, it can also be used in the Space Combat minigame. It has been confirmed that the highly requested guild capital ships might make it into the game at launch, if not soon after.

Player Ships
The Galactic Republic
Corellian Defender-class Light Corvette

The Corellian Defender-class Light Corvette is a starship available to players of both the Jedi Knight and Jedi Consular classes. Commissioned and built specifically for the Jedi Order during the Great War, the Defender boasts numerous upgrades and modifications that allow it to serve the specialized needs of a Jedi.

Corellian XS Stock Light Freighter

The Corellian XS Stock Light Freighter is the starship available to players of the Smuggler class. The XS Light Freighter is an advancement of past freighter designs, built both for speed and to ensure the security of its occupants and cargo; this vessel's weapons array includes the standard laser and torcreep batteries as well as turrets mounted upon both its upper and lower hemispheres. These turrets can either be controlled manually or from the roosterpit.

BT-7 Thunderclap

The Rendili Hyperworks BT-7 Thunderclap is the Republic’s largest and most elite rapid-assault ship, and is the player ship for the Trooper class. Streamlined for fast deployment in combat situations, upgrades requested by Republic Special Forces ensure reliable performance and durability.

The Sith Empire
Fury-class Imperial Interceptor

The Fury-class Imperial Interceptor is a starship available to players of both the Sith Warrior and Sith Inquisitor classes. The Fury is a favorite vessel among Sith Lords, as it includes highly sophisticated technology and weapons systems; even given the fact that the focus of the ship's design is functionality, this vessel remains very versatile and luxurious.

D5-Mantis Patrol Craft

This D5-Mantis Patrol Craft is the ship available to Bounty Hunters. The vessel is equipped with high-end navigation systems, enabling the Bounty Hunter to pursue a quarry even into the most remote corners of the galaxy.

X-70B Phantom

The X-70B Phantom-Class Prototype is a starship available to players of the Imperial Agent class. These advanced prototype vessels are the result of revisions to traditional Imperial starship design theory, incorporating concepts and technologies gathered over the years of the Great War.

tl;dr Pew pew! zzoooo woosh woosh zzzoooo

This is all copy and pasted from my topic that I made while it was in beta with some updated shiet. I don't expect anyone to read through it all.
« Last Edit: November 17, 2012, 03:16:33 PM by Nightmare-Duckie »

So it's officially F2P? Wowe, I had the game on day one, but stopped after a week :s

My old BioShock friend seems to only come online to play that now.

I sadly bought 3 copies of this when it came out I got it for my sister and dad too and we all played less than a week its pretty well polished and great graphics and the animations are cool but the classes are not very deep and they all just felt so generic and boring I couldn't get into the game just because I couldn't find a class that was any fun.

i wouldn't even call it free to play, there's barely anything you can do

Posted in some other thread. I love this picture.

i remember when a ton of people on wow said they were gonna get this game and that it would kill wow and then after it came out the population didnt really change and nobody said anything

looks fun.

i'm going to play even though i've never seen star wars, lol.

will play if i get bored of heroes&generals before AC3 comes out for PC

OP says "Fractions" instead of "Factions". Please fix.

I'm planning on playing it, But i'm subbed to rift atm so i would rather grind in something i'm paying for.

I've had a subscription for months. I got these complimentary cartel points for being subbed or something when they went F2P

i bought this game at startup in 2011 for $60 and like $20 a month

sucked major ass