Author Topic: A random house  (Read 3643 times)

I decided to actually build something for once. This is just a simple, one level house. Rate if you wish, and tips would be appreciated.

It's pretty decent, lack of shape development, and the colors aren't to great but keep it up, it looks nice.

I think its nice for your first build :D

He was going to say something, but forgot what, so he posted anyways. :cookieMonster:

You didn't use the bricks to make many interesting shapes for the furniture.


Thanks for the feedback, everyone.

my only complaint is that the roof isnt overlapping the wall in connection. (unless thats the point)

nice though

Yeah, I made the roof then realized that I needed to add in the 2x2s. I never fixed the roof.

Its nice i just don't like the outside shape.

outside more color plants ect. the white storage thing could use some handals unless u like it like that great simple house