Author Topic: Ball-Hit System  (Read 545 times)

I'm sure you all have heard about the new balls, but I have even more ideas!

This "Ball-Hit System" could be used for ball-hitting sports, like Tennis and Baseball.

Basically, lets say you are playing tennis. You grab the "Racket" item, and right-click to serve. Okay, cool. Now you have to hit it, but it will likely not be realistic! Sure you can randomize the angle and speed after you hit it, but it will still not make sense. So here is the solution, the angle is based on how far and what direction from the crosshair you swing at the ball. The closer to the cursor, the more speed and straight the ball goes. Let's say you manage to hit it direct center. BAM, super hit! It goes flying at like 100mph or something, however it would be very hard to actually hit the ball direct center. For baseball this will likely trigger a homerun.

The interaction between the ball and the bat in baseball wouldn't be the main problem in a baseball mod.
However, the fact is, in baseball you have to stand sideways to the pitcher.
A good sideways hitting animation isn't really possible with the default animations (which the default balls mod uses now) as far as i know.
Letting the batter face the pitcher isn't really baseball-ish either because if the batter would miss the hit, he would get hit by the ball.

Any ideas on this?

No, I just don't play much anymore. I know about pumpkins and skulls, but balls?

To add to this, I think that the balls for these sports should be able to be picked up without holding any items, but should remain once their appropriate item is equipped (e.g. bat and baseball).  Then if you click while the item is equipped, you hit the ball by swinging the item rather than simply throwing the ball.

Huh, never noticed that...
Fail xD

But yea, This is a good idea, but the animations would be hard to do.