Author Topic: Clan[MotE]  (Read 226318 times)

Sorry that i am not in MotE, But i have to report this!
Somebody with a gay name is trying to fake that he is in MotE at my server.
I already posted a pic about this guy! D:

Don't ban him guys, I just saw him tonight, and his name was changed. He took the MotE part out.

"building lessons".
And if you need to take lessons for a game, can it really be called a game?
Yes. You learn the rules of sport games. They're still games. And if you don't want to practise building don't insult those who have and enjoy the fruits of their labour. If you don't think MotE deal with their builds very well then you make your own, and deal with them your own way.

Inner~clan fighting sucks :(

I dont think i will rejoin if we start banning less and being less elitist.

And the benefits of the Purge 2 are instantly clear to us :)

Us? Why does it matter to you when you're not even in the clan.

Inner~clan fighting sucks :(
To be technical it's not in-clan, seeing as the only person in the clan currently is Randy, I think.

enjoy the fruits of their labour.

If they aren't going to enjoy the fruits by USING their builds for their initial purpose, why should I be denied the right to? They didn't disable making mini games, no rule said I couldn't do it, it doesn't hurt anything.

Can someone unban me from MotE server. I permanently banned myself out of boredom and no one has noticed. I probably should have banned myself for a day or something but I went all out.

enjoy the fruits of their labour.

If they aren't going to enjoy the fruits by USING their builds for their initial purpose, why should I be denied the right to? They didn't disable making mini games, no rule said I couldn't do it, it doesn't hurt anything.
What is their initial purpose? Builds in blockland are generally made for viewing, not blasting people up in.

Spation, I don't mean to be a jerk, but really, come on.

From an outside perspective, I've seen you at the root of this MotE power struggle. Just because you've been around for a longer time than those new guys, doesn't give you the right to parade around with indefinite authority. Many other MotE's (and former members) I've asked agree with that statement. You are what you hate the most, a overbearing egomaniac with an inferiority complex.

You're tearing MotE by the seams and taking good people down with you.

I won't post here anymore since it falls on deaf ears.

I won't post here anymore since it falls on deaf ears.
Either that or we care not for your statements. You can say what you want, but if you didn't catch the gist of it I did leave. And if you believe this will make MotE stronger then I agree, but not in the same way as you think.

Spation, I don't mean to be a jerk, but really, come on.

From an outside perspective, I've seen you at the root of this MotE power struggle. Just because you've been around for a longer time than those new guys, doesn't give you the right to parade around with indefinite authority. Many other MotE's (and former members) I've asked agree with that statement. You are what you hate the most, a overbearing egomaniac with an inferiority complex.

You're tearing MotE by the seams and taking good people down with you.

I won't post here anymore since it falls on deaf ears.

And the prize for the most overdramatic post of the century goes to...

Besides, you've always struck me as being the bane of elitist behavior yourself, especially now when you sit on your high pedestal of self-righteousness with a brightly glowing halo of indescribably vast proportions, and a pine oak shoved so far up your ass it's grinding against your teeth, oozing pharisaical gall out of every opening in your body.


What is their initial purpose?

Exactly why you shouldn't have gotten in this conversation, seeing as you didn't even read the whole thing. I was DMing on a DM made by mote, and I was banned.
« Last Edit: April 20, 2008, 03:36:36 PM by Yeturn »

What is their initial purpose?

Exactly why you shouldn't have gotten in this conversation, seeing as you didn't even read the whole thing. I was DMing on a DM made by mote, and I was banned.
I have trouble recalling us ever making a DM. Specify.