Author Topic: My brother declares "Binding of Isaac" to be a cheap knockoff.  (Read 2169 times)

A knockoff of the Original Zelda. I don't think it at all, Its randomly generated different bosses every time plus mini-bosses plus you can get more hearts in different quantity, aka soul hearts or those white ones, different items to work with.
Ugh, then he replies, "BOMBS, KEYS, A MAP" etc..

I want to punch him in his face, Anyone have any other methods to shoot him down? I know for a fact hes not going to let me say its original.

It's kind of a dumb game anyways

blockland has rockets, it's a cheap TF2 knockoff.

I just dont like it when people say "That game is a copy cat." Its a original game. Hell, you could say any COD is like Battlefield, But two separate games.

zelda is just a cheap knockoff of real life, because zelda has his own horse, and horses are in REAL LIFE too -_-

see, zelda and his horse:

a real life horse, which did not rip off anything:
« Last Edit: November 22, 2012, 10:04:26 PM by SpreadsPlague »

technically though isaac is paying homage

it uses the same elements as a tip-of-the-hat but builds a different game with them

zelda is just a cheap knockoff of real life, because zelda has his own horse, and horses are in REAL LIFE too -_-

Either they've never played any LOZ game, they're dumb or it's sarcasm.
Hopefully the last one.

Either they've never played any LOZ game, they're dumb or it's sarcasm.
Hopefully the last one.

why not all three!?

seriously, nobody caught that the second picture is a donkey?

my credentials for my knowledge on the subject, in case it matters:

(okay honestly I just wanted to show off again)

we'll start simple and then move on to more complex differences to help ease your brother's poor misguided soul onto the path of learning

1. zelda has an overworld, isaac takes place entirely inside a dungeon (or multiple dungeons, depending on how you look at it)

2. zelda has puzzles, isaac does not

3. zelda has the same path every time you play, isaac is different every time: rooms, items, bosses, enemies, literally everything in the game is scrambled every time you start a round of isaac

4. zelda only has one playable character, isaac has seven (each with different perks)

5. zelda is not a twinstick shooter like isaac is

6. zelda features standard medieval objects (sword, bow), isaac features the horrific things that lie beneath isaac's home (parasites, aborted fetuses)

7. zelda features standard dungeon enemies (skeletons, bats, mummies), isaac features -- again -- the horrific things that lie beneath isaac's home (headless children, demon doppelgangers, cysts)

8. zelda is won by completing the game once over multiple sittings, isaac is won by completing multiple runs each done in one sitting

9. zelda is about the adventure of a young boy trying to save the world (and a princess) from an evil pig man, isaac is about a small child's demented imagination and inner conflicts; including the strength of his faith and whether he is destined for heaven or hell, the blame for his sister's death, and breaking his mother's heart, all while contemplating Self Delete

any similarities between zelda and isaac are either common game features for the RPG genre (bombs & keys, shops, dungeon levels) or direct references to the zelda series as an homage (blue candle item, "I AM ERROR" room, fires on either side of the shopkeeper in shops)

if your brother still refuses to admit he's wrong after this he's either extremely stubborn, extremely stupid, or extremely trolling you

the binding of isaac is definitely influenced by the original zelda, but I wouldn't call it a knockoff

Is your brother stupid?
But really, is he just young and unable to tell a homage from a knockoff or complete copy?

If anything, 3D Dot Game Heroes is closer to a copy. I'm not saying it IS a copy or knockoff, but just a very obvious, direct homage to Zelda.

Dig a basement filled with monsters and items with weird and forgeted up stuff in it under a rug in his room. Burn all his clothes and speak in god's voice to your mother to tell her that he must be killed. Irony is the best medicine.