Author Topic: New Video  (Read 1082 times)
Check out this little short my friend and I made. ^

You need to hide the players name. It could also use better camera work.

"You and your friend were vored?"

But seriously, this looks quite neat.

"You and your friend were vored?"

But seriously, this looks quite neat.
devoured obviously

Like they said, hide names and make the camera smoother. Good job with the draw distance and fog, that looked alright. But other than that there really wasn't much to it. It was just some guy walking in the fog past a sign. If you want to make a good video try adding some sort of plot or something like that.

I thought it was alright.

Next time you make a vid, hit F5 to remove names C:

devoured obviously
Yes we were eaten by a demon :o Glad I brought my computer down with me C: