Author Topic: So I heard you guys like 4x Cube Terrain...  (Read 9347 times)

dear forget.

could you take a pic large enough to be my wallpaper? (1600x900)
Click picture in OP, save the next image and then resize.

You must have the best god damn computer ever

10128630397234 / 10


I improved the picture a little bit

« Last Edit: November 25, 2012, 07:47:54 PM by Klocko »

Daaaaannng. That's awesome dude.

I'm gonna be crapping bricks for months just by looking at this (Beautiful) thing.

Okie so I'm releasing the script and instructions on to use this thing.
First you can grab the add-on formatted version here.
Stick that in your Blockland Add-ons folder and enable it when making a server.

To make it do a terrain, open your console and type:
Code: [Select]
parsePGM(file location here);
ex. parsePGM("add-ons/script_pgmparser/output.pgm");
This will start to create a new file (that is easier for me to script for) that is the old file name plus _format
The script will read this file and read each height value and place a brick accordingly until it is done.
You can poke at it and make improvements blah blah

Now to the part on how to create PGM files.
Basically I used a program called World Machine 2.
You make your terrain and then for exporting select the PGM (ASCII) option.
Export that and you have a file that is ready to be put into Blockland.

vid plz its confusing

vid plz its confusing
No, Rlcbm, read it carefully and follow what he's doing in the text.
Dont say stupid things.

What's that billion of random numbers in the pgm file mean???

His is more useful than mine for 2 reasons, and less useful for 1 reason

More useful:
- You can make custom heightmaps
- You don't have to downgrade to v19 to make copies of existing terrains

Less useful:
- His script doesn't fill the holes like mine, you have to use a custom extended cube brick

@ZSNO, I'd be more than willing to help you implement the hole-filling logic from my script into yours

Hey what's more efficient?
A stack of bricks under it or a taller brick?

My computer would blow up in a second if it was in this...especially with shaders on.

Hey what's more efficient?
A stack of bricks under it or a taller brick?
Before you start asking dumb questions, why don't you consider the various problems that occur when using a quick fix instead of a proper scripted solution
- All terrains run the risk of having low enough points in their heightmaps that would overlap with the ground
- (but what if we offset the map to a higher height?) That's always a guess to how high it needs to be, and if it's too high it presents a nuisance to the player
- All terrains run the risk of having slopes at certain points that would leave holes anyway
- The average player now is forced to use a useless custom brick