
Do you use text speak?

8 (24.2%)
6 (18.2%)
19 (57.6%)

Total Members Voted: 33

Author Topic: "Text speak"  (Read 1681 times)

Does anyone else get really annoyed when people use "text speak" (e.g. ur, y)?

Many people I know in real life do it. It really irritates me for some reason.

I only use it when i'm chatting on steam.

Otherwise i try to use as best grammar and spelling as i can on here.

Quite frankly, it's not that big of a deal. Just use proper grammar yourself.

my frend tks like ths            he uses spaces insted of periods

I can use all the correct English speech that I need to, but at some times it's easier for me to relax a bit. I don't do it in real life though, that's absolutely atrocious.

« Last Edit: August 28, 2017, 02:56:41 PM by Electrk² »

I hate text speak.  Words like Tweet, text, and Facebook are like nails on a chalk board to me.

ur just mad cuz ur a bich #fuqinpro

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i only use things like ur and y when i'm goofing off or joking with someone.

There's this friend of mine who always replaces normal words with their English counterpart for absolutely no reason at all and sometimes adds "zorz" at the end

it kills me

ur just mad cuz ur a bich #fuqinpro

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There Is People Who Types Like This Too And It's Annoying

wat r u doing lol shute up its typng fastr

3swag #YOLOL