Attack & Defend map

Author Topic: Attack & Defend map  (Read 2199 times)

The title says it all.


Front view of Attacker's Base.

Inside the Attacker's Base

Top view of Attacker's Base

Front view of Defender's Base

Inside the Defender's Base

Top view of Defender's Base

Bomb Cap Point

Admin Room
I'm so lonely here..

View of the entire map

Please rate x/10 and tell me suggestions what I should do.
Maybe once it't good enough, maybe I could open a download :]

2/10 colors are bland and it just doesn't have a lot of detail.

2/10 colors are bland and it just doesn't have a lot of detail.

Good to know I will try to improve on that

2/10 colors are bland and it just doesn't have a lot of detail.

lol the buildings have no roof.

Well, this would work well with top-down perspective, but judging by that last post you did not plan on using it that way. I suggest looking into it.

2/10 colors are bland and it just doesn't have a lot of detail.

skimpy, little cover, no real design (only CP is near the defenders base which basically makes it impossible to capture) and easily enemy-accessible "spawnrooms" and an empty admin room that might as well not be there.

Before making a TDM try examining other TDM's either posted on the forums here, or in different games. Look at the level design and how the terrain/structure, buildings (if any), CP locations, and spawnroom locations work in sync to provide fun gameplay.

2/10 colors are bland and it just doesn't have a lot of detail.
AND it looks unsuited for a deathmatch. Doors are a big nono, and the lack of objects to take cover behind.

HUGE contrast between the bases. One is overly round to the point it doesn't even look like a structure, and the other is overly square.

The lighting is bad and very uneven. Try lighting from the ceiling and the sidelines rather than the ground.

Colors are bland, try adding some patterns or attempt to set up a "mood" through your color pallete rather than simply using appropriate colors.

Looks too unfinished to be posted here.

Alright there is 0% I'm am going to work on it and all of the complaints are getting a bit annoying so locking and no download.