Author Topic: Living in Japan for a while; ask me stuff.  (Read 7908 times)

Knowing there are a few wee-a-boos here, it's fun talking to foreigners about Japan, and having nothing better to do, I thought it'd be fun to do a AMA type thing if anyone happens to be interested.

I'm half-Japanese, have come to Japan multiple times, know the language pretty well now, experienced and experiencing the culture, have family who suffered from the tsunami, seen and experienced the tsunami damage first hand, etc. I do happen to go to school here. I'm living in a town that's not as famous as Tokyo, but it isn't in the middle of nowhere. If any of you remember this video of the tsunami, I am currently living a few blocks away from where it was taken. I could actually walk over and take a picture of what it looks like now if I wanted to.

So, yeah. If any of you want to ask about culture, tsunami, anime, language, school, etc about Japan, I'll try and get them answered.

Are the toilets really all scary and over developed?

Have there been tentacles coming out of the sewers, taking young women?
Naw, I kid. Is all of the animation on TV there anime?

How is the cuisine in Japan?

« Last Edit: November 25, 2012, 10:39:38 AM by Cucumber! »

are there tentac-
Have there been tentacles coming out of the sewers, taking young women?
Naw, I kid. Is all of the animation on TV there anime?


Are the people short?

is everything there kawai and desu?

weeabos thinking its really that interesting there lol

Are the toilets really all scary and over developed?

That's the control panel for our toilet. Button for opening and closing seat, dials for heaters, bidet, water-wash, dryer after you used the water wash, and buttons for flushing (literally, large flush and small flush). The actual toilet has a sink built in and has motion sensors so when you walk up to it, the lid automatically opens. After you stand up, the toilet automatically flushes and the lid closes after 15-30 seconds. So, basically, yeah.

Have there been tentacles coming out of the sewers, taking young women?
Naw, I kid. Is all of the animation on TV there anime?
Fortunately, I have yet to see anything tentacle special interest related yet. :D
Mostly. It's all stereotypical Japanese anime except for a few child claymation shows and cartoons from America.

How is the cuisine in Japan?
Amazing. Japanese food tastes absolutely incredible, especially the seafood. Nothing like eating a fish that was caught just hours before it was cooked.

Are the people short?
Pretty much. I'm 170cm (or ~5.6 ft) and taller than a majority of the people here. I think I've only seen one person who was taller than 190cm (~6.2 ft) and was full Japanese.

is everything there kawai and desu?
Depends on where you do and what you do. Arcades, karaoke places, and malls are pretty "kawaii", but other than that, you don't see much of the stereotypical "kawaii" anywhere.

weeabos thinking its really that interesting there lol
Interesting for about a week if you don't know the language and/or don't have any connections with anyone here. After that, you're going to be miserable here.
« Last Edit: November 26, 2012, 06:04:32 AM by Daenth »

Are the commercials better than the USA's?
because ours make no sense.

Im part Japanese so Ive been to Japan twice :)
Do you love it just as much as I did
And which part are you at


Im part Japanese so Ive been to Japan twice :)
Do you love it just as much as I did
And which part are you at

omg mi favorit manga compny iz in jpan lol!!! KAWAII DESU~~~~